
Data that you currently send to Amazon EventBridge may also be routed to Panther for advanced monitoring and detection


Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus that lets you receive, filter, transform, route, and deliver events. Within your environment, you may already be using EventBridge, as it supports receiving data from AWS services, custom applications, SaaS applications, and microservices.

Supported targets

EventBridge supports many targets Panther may plug into, including SNS topics, SQS queues, Firehose delivery streams, S3 buckets, and more. This enables many possible workflows. For example:

  • Okta -> EventBridge -> AWS SNS Topic -> Panther SQS

    • By default, EventBridge nests the logs within a detail object. You will need to use EventBridge transformations to take advantage of Panther's native Okta schema. See AWS's documentation on how to create transformations.

  • Custom Application -> EventBridge -> Firehose delivery stream -> S3 -> Panther

  • AWS GuardDuty -> EventBridge -> AWS SNS Topic -> Panther SQS

How to use EventBridge with Panther

See the steps below for a generally applicable workflow.

For a specific example using EventBridge to send GuardDuty findings to Panther, see the section below.

Step 1: Create a Topic in Amazon SNS

  1. Log in to your AWS Console and navigate to Amazon SNS > Topics. Click Create Topic.

    • If you already have an SNS topic created, skip to Step 2.

  2. Fill out the Details:

    • Type: Select Standard.

    • Name: panther-eventbridge-guard-duty

  3. Click Create topic.

  4. Copy the ARN value and store it in a secure location, as you will need it in the next steps.

    • Example ARN: arn:aws:sns:region:accountid:topic

Step 2: Create the SQS source in Panther

Step 3: Create or modify a rule in EventBridge

Creating a rule

  1. In AWS, navigate to EventBridge.

  2. Navigate to Events > Rules then click Create rule.

    1. Define rule detail.

      • Provide a name, description, event bus and rule type.

    2. Build event pattern.

      • Choose the source of data and pattern to match against

    3. Select target(s).

      • Choose where to route the data that has been matched

    4. Configure tags (optional).

      • Choose to add a label to this AWS resource

  3. On the "Review and Create" page, click Create rule.

Modifying an existing rule

  1. In AWS, navigate to Events > Rules then click the rule you want to modify.

  2. Click into the Targets tab and click Edit.

    1. Click Add another target.

    2. Use "AWS Service" as the Target type, "SNS topic" as the target, and then select the SNS topic you added the Panther Managed SQS to in the previous steps.

  3. Click Next, click Next, then click Update rule.

Now that the data pipeline is complete, you will start seeing log events land in your Panther Console where you can adjust your Schema and create Detections that may trigger Alerts.

End-to-end example: Send GuardDuty findings to Panther via EventBridge

The steps below are aimed at helping you quickly configure the necessary AWS resources to be used within EventBridge to allow you to perform advanced monitoring on your AWS GuardDuty data.

Note that Panther has separate documentation for GuardDuty integration via S3 or SQS instead.

Data pipeline

The steps below walk through the following data pipeline:

GuardDuty -> EventBridge -> AWS SNS Topic -> Panther SQS

Step 1: Create a topic in Amazon SNS

  1. Log in to your AWS Console and navigate to Amazon SNS > Topics. Click Create Topic.

    • If you already have an SNS topic created, skip to Step 2.

  2. Fill out the Details:

    • Type: Select Standard.

    • Name: panther-eventbridge-guard-duty

  3. Click Create topic.

  4. Copy the ARN value and store it in a secure location, as you will need it in the next steps.

    • Example ARN: arn:aws:sns:region:accountid:topic

Step 2: Create the SQS source in Panther

Step 3: Create a rule in EventBridge

These steps demonstrate how you can send GuardDuty findings to Panther through EventBridge. There is also an option to generate sample GuardDuty findings or write a rule to alert when someone assumes a role from TOR.

  1. In your AWS console, navigate to GuardDuty to ensure it is enabled.

  2. Navigate to EventBridge, then go to Events > Rules.

  3. Click Create rule.

  4. Fill in the rule detail section:

    • Name: Enter a descriptive name.

    • Description: Enter a description (e.g., Filtering events from GuardDuty and sending them to Panther Managed SQS)

    • Event bus: Set the dropdown menu to default.

    • Enable the rule on the selected event bus: Click the toggle to enable this setting.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the "Build the event pattern" page, fill in the following:

    • Event source: Select AWS events or EventBridge partner events.

    • Event pattern:

      • Event source: Select AWS services.

      • AWS Service: Select GuardDuty.

  7. Click Next.

  8. On the "Select target(s)" page, fill in the form for Target 1:

    • Target types: Select AWS service.

    • Select a target: Select SNS topic from the dropdown menu.

    • Topic: Enter the topic you created in Step 1 (panther-eventbridge-guard-duty).

    • Under "Additional Settings":

      • Configure target input: Select Part of the matched event.

      • Specify the part of the matched event: Select $.detail

      • Retry policy: Leave the defaults for Retry options.

      • Dead-letter queue: Leave the default option.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Optionally configure tags.

  11. Click Next.

  12. On the "Review and Create" page, click Create rule.

Now, when GuardDuty outlines a finding, that event will route to Panther where we can write a Detection to Alert us.

Generate sample findings

Since GuardDuty allows you to generate sample findings, you may use those to test end-to-end.

  1. In GuardDuty, navigate to Settings > Sample Findings.

  2. Click Generate Sample Findings to test.

An example rule within Panther might look like the following if I wanted to know when someone accessed AWS via TOR:

from panther_base_helpers import deep_get

def rule(event):
    return deep_get(event, 'detail', 'type') == 'Discovery:S3/TorIPCaller'

def title(event):
    return f"{event.get('detail-type')}: {deep_get(event, 'detail', 'type')} from principal id: {deep_get(event, 'detail', 'resource', 'accessKeyDetails', 'principalId')}"

def alert_context(event):
    return {
        "account": event.get('account'),
        "principalId": deep_get(event, 'detail', 'resource', 'accessKeyDetails', 'principalId'),
        "guardduty-finding-arn": deep_get(event, 'detail', 'arn')

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