Tailscale Logs

Panther supports receiving Tailscale logs directly via webhook


Panther ingests Tailscale configuration audit and network flow logs by configuring Tailscale Log Streaming to post events to a Panther HTTP source.

To use log streaming in Tailscale, which is required to ingest Tailscale logs into Panther, you must have an Enterprise Tailscale plan.

How to onboard Tailscale logs to Panther

To onboard Tailscale logs to Panther, you'll first create a new log source in Panther, then configure Tailscale to send events to a Panther HTTP endpoint.


  • In order to successfully complete this process, your Tailscale user must have one of the following roles: Owner, Admin, Network admin, or IT admin.

  • Tailscale only supports one streaming destination (e.g., Panther, Splunk, Elasticsearch) per log type. If you are currently streaming to another source, you must first disable your old source.

Step 1: Create a new Tailscale log source in Panther

  1. In the left-side navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Configure > Log Sources.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Search for “Tailscale,” then click its tile.

    • In the slide-out panel, the Transport Mechanism dropdown in the upper-right corner will be pre-populated with the HTTP option.

  4. Follow Panther's instructions for configuring an HTTP Source, beginning at Step 5.

    • You will be required to use Bearer authentication. This is the method of authentication Tailscale supports for integrating with Panther.

Step 2: Create a new Log Stream in Tailscale

  1. Log in to your Tailscale admin console.

  2. In the navigation bar at the top of the screen, click Logs.

  3. Under Configuration logs, click Start streaming.

  4. Under Select a destination, select Panther, then provide values for the following fields:

    • URL: Enter your HTTP Source URL from Step 1.

  5. Click Start streaming.

Supported Log Types

Required fields in the schema are listed as "required: true"


schema: Tailscale.Audit
description: Event logs from Tailscale Audit Log Stream
referenceURL: https://tailscale.com/kb/1255/log-streaming/#configuration-audit-log-streaming
  - name: time
    required: true
    description: Timestamp of when the event was generated on the Tailscale control server
    type: timestamp
      - unix
    isEventTime: true
  - name: event
    required: true
    description: Collection of fields related to the log event
    type: object
      - name: deferredAt
        description: Timestamp of when a rate-limited event was enqueued to be logged at a later time
        type: timestamp
          - rfc3339
      - name: eventGroupID
        description: Opaque identifier assigned to one or more audit events that occurred atomically
        type: string
      - name: origin
        required: true
        description: The initiator of the action that generated the event
        type: string
      - name: actor
        required: true
        description: The person who caused the action
        type: object
          - name: id
            description: Actor's identifier
            type: string
              - actor_id
          - name: type
            description: Type of actor
            type: string
          - name: loginName
            description: Actor's login name
            type: string
              - email
          - name: displayName
            type: string
          - name: tags
            type: array
              type: string
      - name: target
        required: true
        description: The object of this event's action
        type: object
          - name: id
            description: ID of the target
            type: string
          - name: name
            description: Name of the target
            type: string
          - name: type
            description: Type of target
            type: string
          - name: property
            description: Property changed in the target
            type: string
      - name: action
        required: true
        description: Type of action performed against the target
        type: string
      - name: old
        description: The old value prior to the event
        type: json
      - name: new
        description: The new value after the event
        type: json
      - name: actionDetails
        description: Additional information about the event
        type: string
      - name: error
        description: Reason why the action failed to complete
        type: string
  - name: fields
    description: Object containing additional recorded field data
    type: object
      - name: recorded
        description: Timestamp of when the event was recorded by Tailscale's logging service
        type: timestamp
          - rfc3339


schema: Tailscale.Network
description: Event logs from Tailscale Network Log Stream
referenceURL: https://tailscale.com/kb/1255/log-streaming/#network-flow-log-streaming
  - name: time
    required: true
    description: Timestamp of when the event was generated on a Tailscale client
    type: timestamp
      - unix
    isEventTime: true
  - name: event
    required: true
    description: Main event object containing multiple sub-fields
    type: object
      - name: nodeId
        description: ID associated with the node in the tailnet
        type: string
      - name: start
        description: Starting timestamp of window for network statistics (inclusive)
        type: timestamp
          - rfc3339
      - name: end
        type: timestamp
        description: Ending timestamp of window for network statistics (inclusive)
          - rfc3339
      - name: virtualTraffic
        description: Connection statistics for node to node traffic within a tailnet
        type: array
          type: object
          description: Statistics about a connection, where the proto, src, and dst identifies a particular connection
            - name: proto
              description: Internal Protocol number
              type: smallint
            - name: src
              type: string
              description: The source IP address and port
            - name: srcIp
              type: string
              description: The source IP address
              indicators: [ip]
                from: event.virtualTraffic.src
                separator: ':'
                index: 0
            - name: srcPort
              type: int
              description: The source port
                from: event.virtualTraffic.src
                separator: ':'
                index: 1
            - name: dst
              type: string
              description: The destination IP address and port
            - name: dstIp
              type: string
              description: The destination IP address
              indicators: [ip]
                from: event.virtualTraffic.dst
                separator: ':'
                index: 0
            - name: dstPort
              type: int
              description: The destination port
                from: event.virtualTraffic.dst
                separator: ':'
                index: 1
            - name: txPkts
              description: Number of packets transmitted within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: txBytes
              description: Number of bytes transmitted within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: rxPkts
              description: Number of packets received within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: rxBytes
              description: Number of bytes received within the window
              type: bigint
      - name: subnetTraffic
        description: Connection statistics for node to external traffic on a subnet route
        type: array
          type: object
          description: Statistics about a connection, where the proto, src, and dst identifies a particular connection
            - name: proto
              description: Internal Protocol number
              type: smallint
            - name: src
              type: string
              description: The source IP address and port
            - name: srcIp
              type: string
              description: The source IP address
              indicators: [ip]
                from: event.subnetTraffic.src
                separator: ':'
                index: 0
            - name: srcPort
              type: int
              description: The source port
                from: event.subnetTraffic.src
                separator: ':'
                index: 1
            - name: dst
              type: string
              description: The destination IP address and port
            - name: dstIp
              description: The destination IP address
              type: string
              indicators: [ip]
                from: event.subnetTraffic.dst
                separator: ':'
                index: 0
            - name: dstPort
              type: int
              description: The destination port
                from: event.subnetTraffic.dst
                separator: ':'
                index: 1
            - name: txPkts
              description: Number of packets transmitted within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: txBytes
              description: Number of bytes transmitted within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: rxPkts
              description: Number of packets received within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: rxBytes
              description: Number of bytes received within the window
              type: bigint
      - name: exitTraffic
        description: Aggregated connection statistics for traffic through an exit node
        type: array
          type: object
          description: Statistics about a connection, where the proto, src, and dst identifies a particular connection
            - name: proto
              description: Internal Protocol number
              type: smallint
            - name: src
              type: string
              description: The source IP address and port
            - name: srcIp
              type: string
              description: The source IP address
              indicators: [ip]
                from: event.exitTraffic.src
                separator: ':'
                index: 0
            - name: srcPort
              type: int
              description: The source port
                from: event.exitTraffic.src
                separator: ':'
                index: 1
            - name: dst
              type: string
              description: The destination IP address and port
            - name: dstIp
              type: string
              description: The destination IP address
              indicators: [ip]
                from: event.exitTraffic.dst
                separator: ':'
                index: 0
            - name: dstPort
              type: int
              description: The destination port
                from: event.exitTraffic.dst
                separator: ':'
                index: 1
            - name: txPkts
              description: Number of packets transmitted within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: txBytes
              description: Number of bytes transmitted within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: rxPkts
              description: Number of packets received within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: rxBytes
              description: Number of bytes received within the window
              type: bigint
      - name: physicalTraffic
        description: Connection statistics for traffic at the physical layer
        type: array
          type: object
          description: Statistics about a connection, where the proto, src, and dst identifies a particular connection
            - name: proto
              description: Internal Protocol number
              type: smallint
            - name: src
              type: string
              description: The source IP address and port
            - name: srcIp
              type: string
              description: The source IP address
              indicators: [ip]
                from: event.physicalTraffic.src
                separator: ':'
                index: 0
            - name: srcPort
              type: int
              description: The source port
                from: event.physicalTraffic.src
                separator: ':'
                index: 1
            - name: dst
              type: string
              description: The destination IP address and port
            - name: dstIp
              type: string
              description: The destination IP
              indicators: [ip]
                from: event.physicalTraffic.dst
                separator: ':'
                index: 0
            - name: dstPort
              type: int
              description: The destination port
                from: event.physicalTraffic.dst
                separator: ':'
                index: 1
            - name: txPkts
              description: Number of packets transmitted within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: txBytes
              description: Number of bytes transmitted within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: rxPkts
              description: Number of packets received within the window
              type: bigint
            - name: rxBytes
              description: Number of bytes received within the window
              type: bigint
  - name: fields
    description: Object containing additional recorded field data
    type: object
      - name: recorded
        description: Timestamp of when the event was recorded by Tailscale's logging service
        type: timestamp
          - rfc3339

Last updated

Change request #1924: [don't merge until ~Oct] Notion Logs (Beta)