Panther API

Use Panther's GraphQL API for alert, role, and user management, and data lake querying


Panther offers a public GraphQL-over-HTTP API, meaning you can write GraphQL queries and invoke the API using a typical HTTP request. For more information on GraphQL, see GraphQL's documentation.

For a list of supported operations, see Panther API Operations or Discover the schema.

Understanding a GraphQL query

Click to expand GraphQL query example

The example query below is named ListAlerts. This query will return a list of alerts including every alert's id, title, severity and status based on the time range provided.

  • The input variable of type AlertsInput is used to filter the alerts based on certain conditions, such as createdAtAfter and createdAtBefore. Those conditions will provide a time range for the query.

  • The alerts field returns an object with edges and pageInfo. Each edge has a node field that contains the actual alert data, such as id, title, severity and status.

  • The pageInfo field contains information on pagination, such as hasNextPage and endCursor, which allows the user to loop through all the pages of alerts once hasNextPage becomes false.

query ListAlerts($input: AlertsInput!) {
    alerts(input: $input) {
      edges {
        node {
      pageInfo {

How to use Panther's API

Step 1: Choose a method for invoking the API

You can create and modify Panther API queries using one of the following methods:

Step 2: Create an API token

  1. Log in to your Panther Console.

  2. In the upper right corner, click the gear icon. In the dropdown menu, click API Tokens.

  3. Provide a Name, and choose the permissions you'd like to grant the token.

  4. In the IP Restrictions section, in the CIDR Blocks field, enter one or more IP addresses to which you'd like to restrict usage of the token, if any.

    • Enter the IP address(es) in CIDR notation, e.g., or

    • If no IP addresses are specified, the token will be usable by any IP address.

  5. Click Create API Token.

You will see a success screen that displays the value of the API token. Please note that the API token is sensitive information and it will not be displayed again; make sure you copy the API token and store it in a secure location.

Testing the API token

There may be a propagation delay of 30 to 60 seconds after adding an API token.

After generating an API token, you can test to verify that it works as expected:

  1. On the API token creation success screen, click the link that says Give it a go on our Playground.

  2. Locate the REQUEST HEADERS tab at the bottom-left corner of the Playground screen. Under this tab, change the default value of the X-API-Key header from <ENTER_YOUR_KEY_HERE> to the value of your API token.

  3. In the upper left corner, press the "play" icon to run the test.

You can discover the available queries, mutations, and fields by clicking Documentation Explorer on the right side panel of the Playground.

For additional ways to discover the schema, see Discovering the Schema.

Once you have successfully created an API token, remember to periodically rotate it. See instructions for token rotation in Rotating API tokens, below.

Step 3: Invoke the API


To invoke the API using an HTTP curl operation, you will need the following information:

  • The GraphQL endpoint to hit

    • The GraphQL API endpoint is tied to your Panther domain and the API URL format is https://api.{YOUR_PANTHER_DOMAIN}/public/graphql.

  • The auth-related header

    • The auth-related header is called X-API-Key and its value should always be a valid API token that you generated in the Panther Console.

  • A GraphQL query

Invoking the API

There are two ways to invoke a GraphQL-over-HTTP API:

  • Option 1: Install and use a GraphQL Client to abstract the transport-related complexities (recommended)

  • Option 2: Manually construct an HTTP call

While all GraphQL operations are essentially simple HTTP calls, the advantage of using a GraphQL client is that it is more user-friendly.

We recommend using:

Below you'll find some examples of how you would construct a GraphQL query to fetch the first page of alerts in your system:

// npm install graphql graphql-request

import { GraphQLClient, gql } from 'graphql-request';

const client = new GraphQLClient(
  { headers: { 'X-API-Key': 'YOUR_API_KEY' } 

// `PaginateAlerts` is a nickname for the operation
const query = gql` 
  query PaginateAlerts {
  input: {
    createdAtAfter: "2023-06-14T21:00:00Z",
    createdAtBefore: "2023-06-21T21:59:59Z"
  }) {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {

client.request(query).then((data) => console.log(data));

You can find all available operations of the API, as well as detailed end-to-end examples in the subpages of the current page. For a high level list, check out our supported operations.

Step 4: Discover the schema

There are three options to discover the GraphQL schema:

  • Option 1: Download the publicly available GraphQL schema file (quickest)

  • Option 2: Use Panther's API Playground (most user-friendly)

  • Option 3: Perform an introspection query against the GraphQL endpoint (best for tools and services)

Option 1: Download the publicly available GraphQL schema file

You can download the latest version of the GraphQL schema file here.

Rotating API tokens

API tokens are used to authenticate against and authorize access to Panther’s public API. As with username and password credentials, you should store API tokens securely to protect them from bad actors. Rotating your token periodically may lessen the likelihood of it being compromised. The Center for Internet Security (CIS) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommend rotating API tokens every 90 days.

You can rotate your API token either in your Panther Console, or by calling Panther's API itself. Once you've rotated your token, the previous one is no longer valid.

Rotate an API token in the Panther Console

To rotate your API token in the Panther Console:

  1. Log in to your Panther Console.

  2. In the upper right, click the gear icon, then API Tokens.

  3. Locate the token you'd like to rotate. In the upper right corner of its tile, click the three dots icon, then Rotate.

Supported operations and examples

The Panther API supports an ever-growing set of capabilities that allow you to build your security workflows, as well as an API Playground to test operations.

Examples for supported operations

See Panther API Operations for a list of supported API operations and examples.

Example: Getting your Panther Version

Use the following query to confirm your Panther version.

query PantherVersion {
    generalSettings {

Troubleshooting the Panther API

Visit the Panther Knowledge Base to view articles about the Panther API that answer frequently asked questions and help you resolve common errors and issues.

Last updated

Change request #1924: [don't merge until ~Oct] Notion Logs (Beta)