S3 Source
Onboarding AWS S3 as a Data Transport log source in the Panther Console
Panther supports configuring your Amazon S3 bucket as a Data Transport to pull security logs from S3 buckets.
First you will configure the S3 source in your Panther Console, then you will configure your S3 bucket to send notifications when it receives new data.
Data can be sent compressed (or uncompressed). Learn more about compression specifications in Ingesting compressed data in Panther.
See the diagram below to understand how data flows from your application(s) into Panther using S3 (in SaaS):
How set up an AWS S3 bucket log source in Panther
The instructions below outline how to set up an S3 integration manually, in the Panther Console. It's also possible to manage your S3 log source using the Panther API, or using Terraform.
To set up an S3 log source in Panther, follow the steps below. You can also view the data ingestion video overview for a quick walkthrough of S3 source setup.
If an Amazon S3 bucket does not already exist, create one by following Amazon's Creating a bucket documentation.
Step 1: Configure the S3 bucket source in Panther
In the left-hand navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Configure > Log Sources.
In the upper right corner, click Create New.
Click the Custom Log Formats tile.
On the "Configure your source" page, enter values for the following fields:
Name: Enter a descriptive name for the S3 source.
AWS Account ID: Enter the 12-digit AWS Account ID where the S3 buckets are located.
Bucket Name: Enter the ID or name of the S3 bucket to onboard.
KMS Key ARN (optional): If your data is encrypted using KMS-SSE, provide the ARN of the KMS key.
In the S3 Prefixes & Schemas popup modal, create combinations of S3 prefixes, schemas, and exclusion filters, according the structure of your data storage in S3.
Click Apply Changes.
Click Setup.
If you add a KMS key to your S3 bucket after creating the S3 log source in Panther, you must recreate the log source in Panther with the KMS key. Editing the original source to add the KMS key will not work.
Step 2: Set up an IAM role
Panther needs an AWS IAM role with permissions to read objects from your S3 bucket. You can choose from the following options:
Follow these steps if this is the first S3 source you are setting up with Panther.
Using the AWS Console UI
Launch a CloudFormation stack using the AWS console:
On the Create IAM Role page, locate the tile labeled Using the AWS Console UI. At the bottom of the tile, click Continue.
You will be redirected to the AWS console in a new browser tab, with the template URL pre-filled.
The CloudFormation stack will create an AWS IAM role with the minimum required permissions to read objects from your S3 bucket.
Click the "Outputs" tab of the CloudFormation stack in AWS, and note the Role ARN.
Navigate back to the Panther Console.
Enter the Role ARN.
Click Setup.
Proceed to the Finish the Source Setup section in this documentation.
Step 3: Finish the source setup
You will be directed to a success screen:
If any permission errors are detected, they will be displayed and you will be asked to try configuring the IAM role again.
You can optionally enable one or more Detection Packs.
The Trigger an alert when no events are processed setting defaults to YES. We recommend leaving this enabled, as you will be alerted if data stops flowing from the log source after a certain period of time. The timeframe is configurable, with a default of 24 hours.
If you have not done so already, attach one or more schemas to the source.
Click Attach or Infer Schemas.
Either attach a Panther-managed schema, or follow these instructions to infer a custom schema from historical S3 data.
Viewing ingested logs
After your log source is configured, you can search ingested data using Search or Data Explorer.
Recommended S3 bucket expiration policy
It is recommended to keep the data added to your S3 bucket for at least seven days before expiring it. Under normal circumstances, Panther processes new objects within minutes of them being added to your S3 bucket, however if the Panther ingestion service is experiencing availability issues, it could take longer for new objects to be processed.
Manual IAM role creation: Additional steps
When you set up the IAM role manually, you must also follow the instructions below to configure your S3 buckets to send notifications when new data arrives.
Create SNS Topic
Note: If you already have configured the bucket to send All object create events
to an SNS topic, proceed to the next section, "Modify an existing SNS topic," and subscribe it to Panther's input data queue.
Only one SNS topic is required per AWS account, so multiple buckets within one AWS account all use the same SNS topic for Panther. If you've already created an SNS topic for a different S3 bucket in the same AWS account, you can skip this step of creating an SNS topic.
First you need to create an SNS Topic and SNS Subscription to notify Panther that new data is ready for processing.
Log into the AWS Console of the account that owns the S3 bucket.
Select the AWS Region where your S3 bucket is located and navigate to the CloudFormation console.
Under the "Specify template" section, enter the following Amazon S3 URL:
Specify the following stack details:
Stack name: A name of your choice, e.g.
MasterAccountId: The 12 digit AWS Account ID where Panther is deployed
PantherRegion: The region where Panther is deployed
The name of the SNS topic receiving the notification, by default this ispanther-notifications-topic
Click Next, Next, and then Create Stack to complete the process.
Note: This stack has one output named SnsTopicArn
Modify an existing SNS topic
If you opted to create a new SNS topic in the previous step, skip this step and proceed to the section below, "Configure Event Notifications on the bucket."
Follow the steps below if you wish to use an existing topic for sending bucket notifications. Note that the SNS topic must be in the same region as your S3 bucket.
Set up encryption
We recommend enabling KMS encryption for the SNS topic:
Log in to the AWS console and navigate to KMS.
Select the KMS key you want to use for encryption.
Edit the policy to ensure it has the appropriate permissions to be used with the SNS topic and S3 bucket notifications.
Example policy:
Click the Encryption tab under the SNS topic.
Click Enable, and specify the KMS key you want to use for encryption.
Modify SNS Access Policy
Create a subscription between your SNS topic and Panther's log processing SQS queue.
Log into the AWS Console for the account where your S3 bucket exists
Navigate to the SNS Console and select the SNS Topic currently receiving events
Note the ARN of this SNS topic
Click Edit and scroll down to the "Access Policy" card
Add the following statement to the topic's
Access Policy
with the 12-digit account ID where Panther is deployed. This AWS account ID can be found in your Panther Console at the bottom of the page after navigating to Settings by clicking the gear icon.Populate
with the ARN you noted previously in this documentation.
Create SNS Subscription
Create the subscription to the Panther Master account's SQS queue.
From the SNS Console, click Create subscription:
Fill out the form:
Amazon SQS
Do not check the box for the
Enable raw message delivery
setting;raw message delivery
must be disabled.Click Create subscription.
Note: If your subscription is in a "Pending" state and does not get confirmed immediately, you must finish setting up this log source in your Panther Console. Panther confirms the SNS subscription only if a Panther log source exists for the AWS account of the SNS topic.
Configure Event Notifications on the bucket
With the SNS Topic created, the final step is to enable notifications from the S3 buckets.
Navigate to the AWS S3 Console, select the relevant bucket, and click the Properties tab.
Locate the Event Notifications card.
Click + Create event notification and use the following settings:
In the "General Configuration" section:
Suffix: (optional) limits notifications to objects with keys that end in matching characters
Prefix: (optional) limits notifications to objects with keys that start with matching characters Note: When creating event notifications, avoid creating multiple filters that use overlapping prefixes and suffixes. Otherwise, your configuration will not be considered valid.
In the "Event Types" card, check the box next to
All object create events
.In the "Destination" card:
Under "Destination," select SNS Topic.
SNS Topic,
from the drop-down menu.
Click Save.
Make sure to Finish the Source Setup in Panther.
Panther will now start processing new files arriving to your bucket.
Last updated