Panther supports pulling logs directly from Salesforce
Support for Salesforce Sandbox environments is in open beta starting with Panther version 1.96, and is available to all customers. Please share any bug reports and feature requests with your Panther support team.
Of the Salesforce deployment types, Production, Developer, and Sandbox are supported in Panther. Staging is not supported.
How to onboard Salesforce logs to Panther
Salesforce customers must enable Event Monitoring before onboarding logs to Panther. An additional license may be required for this Salesforce add-on.
During setup of your Salesforce source in Panther, you will choose between pulling events hourly or daily. Hourly pulling requires you to make a request to your Salesforce representative, and is an added cost.
Panther requires a user account with API and Event Log File permissions in order to retrieve Event Monitoring logs.
We recommend creating a new, dedicated user with the minimum permissions required by Panther. Salesforce requires each user to have a unique username, but the same email address can be included for multiple users. Thus, you can create a Panther-only account without having to manage an additional email address in your organization.
Complete the user registration process by setting a new password through the link sent to your email.
Step 2: Retrieve Security Token from Salesforce API
Salesforce API access requires username, password, and a credential called a security token.
To request a security token for a new Salesforce user account, follow the instructions in this Salesforce documentation. The new security token is sent to the email address in your Salesforce personal settings.
Step 3: Create and assign a new Permission Set in Salesforce
To assign permissions to the new user, you must create a new Permission Set.
Follow the instructions in Salesforce's Create Permission Sets documentation to add a new permission set that grants Panther access to the Event Monitoring data via the SOAP/REST API.
Click Edit, then check the boxes to enable the following permissions:
In the left-hand navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Configure > Log Sources.
Click Create New.
Select Salesforce from the list of available log sources. Click Start Setup.
On the Configure Source page, fill in the following fields:
Name: Enter a descriptive name for the source e.g., Salesforce Logs.
Log Types: Choose which log types you would like to monitor.
Environment: Choose Production / Developer or Sandbox.
Does your Salesforce instance support Daily or Hourly file intervals?: Choose hourly or daily; the interval for which you want files retrieved from Salesforce.
Check with your Salesforce admin to determine how your Salesforce instance is configured and which file interval is supported. Hourly event monitoring is only offered per request and purchase, and you would need to contact a Salesforce representative to enable it.
Click Setup.
Enter the credentials of the account that Panther will use to connect to the Salesforce API:
Account Username: Enter your Salesforce account username, e.g., [email protected].
Account Password: Enter your Salesforce account password.
Security Token: Enter the the Security Token that you obtained earlier in this documentation.
Click Setup. You will be directed to a success screen:
The Trigger an alert when no events are processed setting defaults to YES. We recommend leaving this enabled, as you will be alerted if data stops flowing from the log source after a certain period of time. The timeframe is configurable, with a default of 24 hours.
Supported log types
Login events contain details about your org’s user login history.
schema:Salesforce.LoginreferenceURL:'Login events contain details about your org’s user login history.'parser:csv:delimiter:','hasHeader:truecolumns: - EVENT_TYPE - TIMESTAMP - REQUEST_ID - ORGANIZATION_ID - USER_ID - RUN_TIME - CPU_TIME - URI - SESSION_KEY - LOGIN_KEY - USER_TYPE - REQUEST_STATUS - DB_TOTAL_TIME - BROWSER_TYPE - API_TYPE - API_VERSION - USER_NAME - TLS_PROTOCOL - CIPHER_SUITE - AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_REFERENCE - TIMESTAMP_DERIVED - USER_ID_DERIVED - CLIENT_IP - URI_ID_DERIVED - LOGIN_STATUS - SOURCE_IPfields: - name:EVENT_TYPEtype:stringrequired:truevalidate:allow: ['Login']description:The type of event. The value is always Login. - name:TIMESTAMPrequired:falsetype:timestamptimeFormat:'%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f'description:'The access time of Salesforce services in GMT. For example: 20130715233322.670.' - name:REQUEST_IDrequired:falsetype:stringindicators: - trace_iddescription:>- The unique ID of a single transaction. A transaction can contain one or more events. Each event in a given transaction has the same REQUEST_ID. For example: 3nWgxWbDKWWDIk0FKfF5DV. - name:ORGANIZATION_IDrequired:truetype:stringdescription:'The 15-character ID of the organization. For example: 00D000000000123.' - name:USER_IDrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The 15-character ID of the user who’s using Salesforce services through the UI or the API. For example: 00530000009M943 - name:RUN_TIMErequired:falsetype:bigintdescription:The amount of time that the request took in milliseconds. - name:CPU_TIMErequired:falsetype:bigintdescription:>- The CPU time in milliseconds used to complete the request. This field indicates the amount of activity taking place in the app server layer. - name:URIrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:'The URI of the page that’s receiving the request. For example: /home/home.jsp.' - name:SESSION_KEYrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The user’s unique session ID. You can use this value to identify all user events within a session. When a user logs out and logs in again, a new session is started. For Login Event Type, this field is usually null because the event is captured before a session is created. Example d7DEq/ANa7nNZZVD - name:LOGIN_KEYrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The string that ties together all events in a given user’s login session. It starts with a login event and ends with either a logout event or the user session expiring. For example: GeJCsym5eyvtEK2I. - name:REQUEST_STATUSrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The status of the request for a page view or user interface action. Possible values are: S—Success. Salesforce handled the request successfully. If an Apex controller throws an exception, this status is also returned. F—Failure. Typically 4xx or 5xx HTTP codes, such as no permission to view page, page took too long to render, page is read-only. U—Undefined A—Authorization Error R—Redirect. Typically a 3xx HTTP code, possibly initiated by an Apex controller in a Visualforce page. N—Not Found. 404 error. - name:DB_TOTAL_TIMErequired:falsetype:bigintdescription:>- The time in nanoseconds for a database round trip. Includes time spent in the JDBC driver, network to the database, and DB_CPU_TIME. Compare this field to CPU_TIME to determine whether performance issues are occurring in the database layer or in your own code. - name:BROWSER_TYPErequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The identifier string returned by the browser used at login. Example values are: Go-http-client/1.1 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv%3A50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.84 Safari/537.36 - name:API_TYPErequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The type of API request. Possible values are: D—Apex Class E—SOAP Enterprise I—SOAP Cross Instance M—SOAP Metadata O—Old SOAP P—SOAP Partner S—SOAP Apex T—SOAP Tooling X—XmlRPC f—Feed l—Live Agent p—SOAP ClientSync - name:API_VERSIONrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:'The version of the API that’s being used. For example: 36.0.' - name:USER_NAMErequired:falsetype:stringdescription:The username that’s used for login.indicators: - username - name:TLS_PROTOCOLrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:'The TLS protocol used for the login. There are 3 possible values: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2' - name:CIPHER_SUITErequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The TLS cipher suite used for the login. Values are OpenSSL-style cipher suite names, with hyphen delimiters. For more information, see OpenSSL Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit. - name:TIMESTAMP_DERIVEDrequired:truetype:timestamptimeFormat:rfc3339isEventTime:truedescription:>- The access time of Salesforce services in ISO8601-compatible format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ). For example: 2015-07-27T11:32:59.555Z. Timezone is GMT. - name:USER_ID_DERIVEDrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The 18-character case insensitive ID of the user who’s using Salesforce services through the UI or the API. For example: 00590000000I1SNIA0. - name:CLIENT_IPrequired:falsetype:stringindicators: - ipdescription:>- The IP address of the client that’s using Salesforce services. A Salesforce internal IP (such as a login from Salesforce Workbench or AppExchange) is shown as " IP". For example: - name:URI_ID_DERIVEDrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:The 18-character case insensitive ID of the URI of the page that’s receiving the request. - name:LOGIN_STATUSrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The status of the login attempt. For successful logins, the value is LOGIN_NO_ERROR. All other values indicate errors or authentication issues. For details, see - name:SOURCE_IPrequired:falsetype:stringindicators: - ipdescription:The source IP of the login request. - name:AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_REFERENCEtype:stringdescription:>- The authentication method used by a third-party identification provider for an OpenID Connect single sign-on protocol. This field is available in API version 51.0 and later. - name:USER_TYPEtype:stringdescription:>- The category of user license. Possible values are: CsnOnly — Users whose access to the application is limited to Chatter. This user type includes Chatter Free and Chatter moderator users. CspLitePortal — CSP Lite Portal license. Users whose access is limited because they’re organization customers and access the application through a customer portal or an Experience Cloud site. CustomerSuccess — Customer Success license. Users whose access is limited because they’re organization customers and access the application through a customer portal. Guest — Users whose access is limited so that your customers can view and interact with your site without logging in. PowerCustomerSuccess — Power Customer Success license. Users whose access is limited because they’re organization customers and access the application through a customer portal. Users with this license type can view and edit data they directly own or data owned by or shared with users below them in the customer portal role hierarchy. PowerPartner — Power Partner license. Users whose access is limited because they’re partners and typically access the application through a partner portal or site. SelfService — Users whose access is limited because they’re organization customers and access the application through a self-service portal. Standard — Standard user license. This user type also includes Salesforce Platform and Salesforce Platform One user licenses, and admins for this org.
Login As events contain details about what a Salesforce admin did while logged in as another user.
schema:Salesforce.LoginAsreferenceURL:'Login As events contain details about what a Salesforce admin did while logged in as another user.'parser:csv:delimiter:','hasHeader:truecolumns: - EVENT_TYPE - TIMESTAMP - REQUEST_ID - ORGANIZATION_ID - USER_ID - RUN_TIME - CPU_TIME - URI - SESSION_KEY - LOGIN_KEY - DELEGATED_USER_NAME - DELEGATED_USER_ID - TIMESTAMP_DERIVED - USER_ID_DERIVED - CLIENT_IP - URI_ID_DERIVED - DELEGATED_USER_ID_DERIVEDfields: - name:EVENT_TYPErequired:truetype:stringvalidate:allow: ['LoginAs']description:The type of event. The value is always LoginAs. - name:TIMESTAMPrequired:falsetype:timestamptimeFormat:'%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f'description:'The access time of Salesforce services in GMT. For example: 20130715233322.670.' - name:REQUEST_IDrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The unique ID of a single transaction. A transaction can contain one or more events. Each event in a given transaction has the same REQUEST_ID. For example: 3nWgxWbDKWWDIk0FKfF5DV.indicators: - trace_id - name:ORGANIZATION_IDrequired:truetype:stringdescription:'The 15-character ID of the organization. For example: 00D000000000123.' - name:USER_IDrequired:truetype:stringdescription:>- The 15-character ID of the user who’s using Salesforce services through the UI or the API. For example: 00530000009M943 - name:RUN_TIMErequired:falsetype:bigintdescription:The amount of time that the request took in milliseconds. - name:CPU_TIMErequired:falsetype:bigintdescription:>- The CPU time in milliseconds used to complete the request. This field indicates the amount of activity taking place in the app server layer. - name:URIrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:'The URI of the page that’s receiving the request. For example: /home/home.jsp.' - name:SESSION_KEYrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The user’s unique session ID. You can use this value to identify all user events within a session. When a user logs out and logs in again, a new session is started. For example: d7DEq/ANa7nNZZVD. - name:LOGIN_KEYrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The string that ties together all events in a given user’s login session. It starts with a login event and ends with either a logout event or the user session expiring. For example: GeJCsym5eyvtEK2I. - name:DELEGATED_USER_NAMErequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The username of the user who’s using Salesforce services through the UI or API. In this case, the user who’s doing the impersonation.indicators: - username - name:DELEGATED_USER_IDrequired:truetype:stringdescription:>- The 15-character ID of the user who’s using Salesforce services through the UI or API. In this case, the user who’s doing the impersonation. - name:TIMESTAMP_DERIVEDrequired:truetype:timestamptimeFormat:rfc3339isEventTime:truedescription:>- The access time of Salesforce services in ISO8601-compatible format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ). For example: 2015-07-27T11:32:59.555Z. Timezone is GMT. - name:USER_ID_DERIVEDrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The 18-character case insensitive ID of the user who’s using Salesforce services through the UI or the API. For example: 00590000000I1SNIA0. - name:CLIENT_IPrequired:falsetype:stringindicators: - ipdescription:>- The IP address of the client that’s using Salesforce services. A Salesforce internal IP (such as a login from Salesforce Workbench or AppExchange) is shown as " IP". For example: - name:URI_ID_DERIVEDrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:The 18-character case insensitive ID of the URI of the page that’s receiving the request. - name:DELEGATED_USER_ID_DERIVEDrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The 18-character case-insensitive ID of the user who’s using Salesforce services through the UI or API. In this case, the user who’s doing the impersonation.
schema:Salesforce.LogoutreferenceURL: events contain details of user logouts.parser:csv:delimiter:','hasHeader:truecolumns: - EVENT_TYPE - TIMESTAMP - REQUEST_ID - ORGANIZATION_ID - USER_ID - USER_TYPE - SESSION_TYPE - SESSION_LEVEL - BROWSER_TYPE - PLATFORM_TYPE - RESOLUTION_TYPE - APP_TYPE - CLIENT_VERSION - API_TYPE - API_VERSION - USER_INITIATED_LOGOUT - SESSION_KEY - LOGIN_KEY - TIMESTAMP_DERIVED - USER_ID_DERIVED - CLIENT_IPfields: - name:EVENT_TYPErequired:truetype:stringvalidate:allow: ['Logout']description:The type of event. The value is always Logout. - name:TIMESTAMPrequired:falsetype:timestamptimeFormat:'%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f'description:'The access time of Salesforce services in GMT. For example: 20130715233322.670.' - name:REQUEST_IDrequired:falsetype:stringindicators: - trace_iddescription:>- The unique ID of a single transaction. A transaction can contain one or more events. Each event in a given transaction has the same REQUEST_ID. For example: 3nWgxWbDKWWDIk0FKfF5DV. - name:ORGANIZATION_IDrequired:truetype:stringdescription:'The 15-character ID of the organization. For example: 00D000000000123.' - name:USER_IDrequired:truetype:stringdescription:>- The 15-character ID of the user who’s using Salesforce services through the UI or the API. For example: 00530000009M943 - name:USER_TYPErequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The category of user license of the user that logged out. Possible Values: A: Automated Process b: High Volume Portal C: Customer Portal User D: External Who F: Self-Service G: Guest L: Package License Manager N: Salesforce to Salesforce n: CSN Only O: Power Custom o: Custom P: Partner p: Customer Portal Manager S: Standard X: Salesforce Administrator - name:SESSION_TYPErequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The session type that was used when logging out. Possible Values: A: API I: APIOnlyUser N: ChatterNetworks Z: ChatterNetworksAPIOnly C: Content P: OauthApprovalUI O: Oauth2 T: SiteStudio R: SitePreview S: SubstituteUser B: TempContentExchange G: TempOauthAccessTokenFrontdoor Y: TempVisualforceExchange F: TempUIFrontdoor U: UI E: UserSite V: Visualforce W: WDC_API - name:SESSION_LEVELrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The security level of the session that was used when logging out. Possible Values: 1: Standard Session, 2: High-Assurance Session - name:BROWSER_TYPErequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The identifier string returned by the browser used at login. Example values are: Go-http-client/1.1 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv%3A50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.84 Safari/537.36 - name:PLATFORM_TYPErequired:falsetype:bigintdescription:>- The code for the client platform. If a timeout caused the logout, this field is null. Example Values: 1000: Windows 2003: Macintosh/Apple OSX 5005: Android 5006: iPhone 5007: iPad - name:RESOLUTION_TYPErequired:falsetype:floatdescription:The screen resolution of the client. If a timeout caused the logout, this field is null. - name:APP_TYPErequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The application type that was in use upon logging out. Example Values: 1007: SFDC Application 1014: Chat 2501: CTI 2514: OAuth 3475: SFDC Partner Portal - name:CLIENT_VERSIONrequired:falsetype:floatdescription:The version of the client that was in use upon logging out. - name:API_TYPErequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The type of API request. Possible values are: D—Apex Class E—SOAP Enterprise I—SOAP Cross Instance M—SOAP Metadata O—Old SOAP P—SOAP Partner S—SOAP Apex T—SOAP Tooling X—XmlRPC f—Feed l—Live Agent p—SOAP ClientSync - name:API_VERSIONrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:'The version of the API that’s being used. For example: 36.0.' - name:USER_INITIATED_LOGOUTrequired:falsetype:booleandescription:>- The value is 1 if the user intentionally logged out of the organization by clicking the Logout button. If the user’s session timed out due to inactivity or another implicit logout action, the value is 0. - name:SESSION_KEYrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The user’s unique session ID. You can use this value to identify all user events within a session. When a user logs out and logs in again, a new session is started. For example: d7DEq/ANa7nNZZVD. - name:LOGIN_KEYrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The string that ties together all events in a given user’s login session. It starts with a login event and ends with either a logout event or the user session expiring. For example: GeJCsym5eyvtEK2I. - name:TIMESTAMP_DERIVEDrequired:truetype:timestampisEventTime:truetimeFormat:rfc3339description:>- The access time of Salesforce services in ISO8601-compatible format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ). For example: 2015-07-27T11:32:59.555Z. Timezone is GMT. - name:USER_ID_DERIVEDrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The 18-character case insensitive ID of the user who’s using Salesforce services through the UI or the API. For example: 00590000000I1SNIA0. - name:CLIENT_IPrequired:falsetype:stringindicators: - ipdescription:>- The IP address of the client that’s using Salesforce services. A Salesforce internal IP (such as a login from Salesforce Workbench or AppExchange) is shown as " IP". For example:
URI events contain details about user interaction with the web browser UI.
schema:Salesforce.URIreferenceURL:'URI events contain details about user interaction with the web browser UI.'parser:csv:delimiter:','hasHeader:truecolumns: - EVENT_TYPE - TIMESTAMP - REQUEST_ID - ORGANIZATION_ID - USER_ID - RUN_TIME - CPU_TIME - URI - SESSION_KEY - LOGIN_KEY - REQUEST_STATUS - DB_TOTAL_TIME - DB_BLOCKS - DB_CPU_TIME - REFERRER_URI - TIMESTAMP_DERIVED - USER_ID_DERIVED - CLIENT_IP - URI_ID_DERIVED - USER_TYPEfields: - name:EVENT_TYPErequired:truetype:stringvalidate:allow: ['URI']description:The type of event. The value is always URI. - name:TIMESTAMPrequired:falsetype:timestamptimeFormat:'%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f'description:'The access time of Salesforce services in GMT. For example: 20130715233322.670.' - name:REQUEST_IDrequired:falsetype:stringindicators: - trace_iddescription:>- The unique ID of a single transaction. A transaction can contain one or more events. Each event in a given transaction has the same REQUEST_ID. For example: 3nWgxWbDKWWDIk0FKfF5DV. - name:ORGANIZATION_IDrequired:truetype:stringdescription:'The 15-character ID of the organization. For example: 00D000000000123.' - name:USER_IDrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The 15-character ID of the user who’s using Salesforce services through the UI or the API. For example: 00530000009M943 - name:RUN_TIMErequired:falsetype:bigintdescription:'The amount of time that the request took in milliseconds.' - name:CPU_TIMErequired:falsetype:bigintdescription:>- The CPU time in milliseconds used to complete the request. This field indicates the amount of activity taking place in the app server layer. - name:URIrequired:truetype:stringdescription:>- The URI of the page that’s receiving the request. For more granular URI information for Lightning Experience and the Salesforce app, see the Lightning Error, Lightning Interaction, Lightning Page View, and Lightning Performance event types. Examples: /aura (Lightning Experience), /lightning (Lightning Experience and the Salesforce app), /home/home.jsp (Salesforce Classic) - name:SESSION_KEYrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The user’s unique session ID. You can use this value to identify all user events within a session. When a user logs out and logs in again, a new session is started. For Login Event Type, this field is usually null because the event is captured before a session is created. Example d7DEq/ANa7nNZZVD - name:LOGIN_KEYrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The string that ties together all events in a given user’s login session. It starts with a login event and ends with either a logout event or the user session expiring. For example: GeJCsym5eyvtEK2I. - name:REQUEST_STATUSrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The status of the request for a page view or user interface action. Possible values are: S—Success. Salesforce handled the request successfully. If an Apex controller throws an exception, this status is also returned. F—Failure. Typically 4xx or 5xx HTTP codes, such as no permission to view page, page took too long to render, page is read-only. U—Undefined A—Authorization Error R—Redirect. Typically a 3xx HTTP code, possibly initiated by an Apex controller in a Visualforce page. N—Not Found. 404 error. - name:DB_TOTAL_TIMErequired:falsetype:bigintdescription:>- The time in nanoseconds for a database round trip. Includes time spent in the JDBC driver, network to the database, and DB_CPU_TIME. Compare this field to CPU_TIME to determine whether performance issues are occurring in the database layer or in your own code. - name:DB_BLOCKSrequired:falsetype:bigintdescription:>- Indicates how much activity is occurring in the database. A high value for this field suggests that adding indexes or filters on your queries would benefit performance. - name:DB_CPU_TIMErequired:falsetype:bigintdescription:>- The CPU time in milliseconds to complete the request. Indicates the amount of activity taking place in the database layer during the request. - name:REFERRER_URIrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:The referring URI of the page that’s receiving the request. - name:TIMESTAMP_DERIVEDrequired:truetype:timestamptimeFormat:rfc3339isEventTime:truedescription:>- The access time of Salesforce services in ISO8601-compatible format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ). For example: 2015-07-27T11:32:59.555Z. Timezone is GMT. - name:USER_ID_DERIVEDrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:>- The 18-character case insensitive ID of the user who’s using Salesforce services through the UI or the API. For example: 00590000000I1SNIA0. - name:CLIENT_IPrequired:falsetype:stringindicators: - ipdescription:>- The IP address of the client that’s using Salesforce services. A Salesforce internal IP (such as a login from Salesforce Workbench or AppExchange) is shown as " IP". For example: - name:URI_ID_DERIVEDrequired:falsetype:stringdescription:The 18-character case insensitive ID of the URI of the page that’s receiving the request. - name:USER_TYPEtype:stringdescription:>- The category of user license. Possible values are: CsnOnly — Users whose access to the application is limited to Chatter. This user type includes Chatter Free and Chatter moderator users. CspLitePortal — CSP Lite Portal license. Users whose access is limited because they’re organization customers and access the application through a customer portal or an Experience Cloud site. CustomerSuccess — Customer Success license. Users whose access is limited because they’re organization customers and access the application through a customer portal. Guest — Users whose access is limited so that your customers can view and interact with your site without logging in. PowerCustomerSuccess — Power Customer Success license. Users whose access is limited because they’re organization customers and access the application through a customer portal. Users with this license type can view and edit data they directly own or data owned by or shared with users below them in the customer portal role hierarchy. PowerPartner — Power Partner license. Users whose access is limited because they’re partners and typically access the application through a partner portal or site. SelfService — Users whose access is limited because they’re organization customers and access the application through a self-service portal. Standard — Standard user license. This user type also includes Salesforce Platform and Salesforce Platform One user licenses, and admins for this org.