Auth0 Logs
Panther supports receiving Auth0 logs directly via webhook
Panther ingests Auth0 tenant logs by configuring Auth0's log streaming service to post events to a Panther HTTP source.
How to onboard Auth0 logs to Panther
Step 1: Create a new Auth0 source in Panther
In the left-side navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Configure > Log Sources.
Click Create New.
Search for “Auth0,” then click its tile.
In the slide-out panel, the Transport Mechanism dropdown in the upper-right corner will be pre-populated with the HTTP option.
Follow Panther's instructions for configuring an HTTP Source, beginning at Step 5.
During setup, on the security configuration page, you will be required to use bearer authentication; this is the only method of authentication Auth0 supports. You can generate a token value by clicking the circular arrows, or supply your own.
Payloads sent to this source are subject to the payload requirements for all HTTP sources.
Do not proceed to the next step until the creation of your HTTP endpoint has completed.
Step 2: Create a new Log Stream in Auth0
Log in to your Auth0 tenant.
From the dashboard, navigate to Monitoring > Streams.
Click Create Stream.
Select Custom Webhook.
Give your Event Stream a descriptive name, e.g.,
Panther Log Stream
.In the Payload URL field, paste the URL for the Auth0 HTTP source in Panther you generated in the previous step of this process.
In the Authorization Token field, enter the bearer token you used when setting up the Auth0 source in Panther, in the previous step of this process.
Enter this value in the form
Bearer <token value>
Click Save.
Panther-managed detections
See Panther-managed rules for Auth0 in the panther-analysis GitHub repository.
Supported log types
Auth0.Events are event logs from the Auth0 log stream. For more information, see Auth0's documentation on tenant log events.
Last updated