ServiceNow Destination (Custom Webhook)

Set up ServiceNow alerts using Panther's custom webhook option


With a simple Scripted Rest API configuration in the ServiceNow console, alerts fired from Panther can be mapped directly to new incidents. You can customize the content of alerts with alert functions in Python detections and dynamic alert keys in YAML detections.

How to configure ServiceNow to create tickets from Panther alerts

To configure ServiceNow to create tickets from Panther alerts, you will create a Scripted REST API in ServiceNow, then create a custom webhook alert destination in Panther, using your ServiceNow forwarding URL.

Additional information on this process can be found in the ServiceNow documentation: How to Integrate Webhooks Into ServiceNow.


  • To complete Step 1 of this process, creating a Scripted REST API in Service Now, your ServiceNow user must have the web_service_admin role.

Step 1: Create a Scripted REST API in ServiceNow

Learn more about Scripted REST APIs in the ServiceNow documentation: Scripted REST APIs.

  1. In the ServiceNow console, click the All tab in the upper left-hand corner.

  2. Click New in the upper right-hand corner.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. On the Scripted Rest API's page, search for the name you just created. Click the hyperlinked name.

  5. Near the bottom of the page, click the Resources tab. Click the New button in the right-hand corner.

  6. Fill out the Scripted REST Resource Alert page:

    • HTTP method: Select POST.

    • Script: Paste in the schema code below:

      • (function process(/*RESTAPIRequest*/ request, /*RESTAPIResponse*/ response) {
        	// prep the different fields 
        	var data =;
        	var title = data.title;
        	var alert = JSON.stringify(data);
        	var alertContext = JSON.stringify(data.alertContext);
        	var severity = data.severity;
        	var link =;
        	var runbook = data.runbook;
        	var type = data.type;
        	var alertId = data.alertId;
        	var grIncident = new GlideRecord('incident');
        	grIncident.setValue('short_description', title);
        	grIncident.setValue('description', alert );
        	grIncident.setValue('category', type);
        	grIncident.setValue('subcategory', alertId);
        	//Map urgency to Panther severity
        	if (severity == "CRITICAL" || severity == "HIGH") {
        	} else if (severity == "LOW" || severity == "MEDIUM") {
        	} else {
        	var recResponse = grIncident.insert(handleResponse);
        	function handleResponse(recResponse, answer) {
        	// Answer will be the sys_id of the created record or null
        	alert('Newly created sys_id is - ' + answer + ' exists');
        	var url = gs.getProperty('glide.servlet.uri');
                //building the response of the API, this example returns the incident ID that got created above.
        	var body = {};
        	body.sys_id = recResponse; = url + "" + recResponse;
        	//example test event from Panther when creating and testing destination integration
        	//{"id":"Test.Alert","createdAt":"2022-04-26T03:17:32.099054303Z","severity":"INFO","type":"RULE","link":"","title":"This is a Test Alert","name":"Test Alert","alertId":"Test.Alert","alertContext":{},"description":"This is a Test Alert","runbook":"Stuck? Check out our docs:","tags":["test"],"version":"abcdefg"}
        })(request, response);

  7. Click Submit.

The schema provided above maps the alert payload from Panther to the relevant fields in the ServiceNow ticket. The ServiceNow blog also provides a different example of receiving the POST payload. Each customer environment is different – select what works best for how the Alert payload is handled and parsed into your ServiceNow tickets.

Step 2: Create a Custom Webhook integration in Panther

  1. In the left-hand navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Configure > Alert Destinations.

  2. Click +Add your first Destination.

    • If you have already created Destinations, click Create New in the upper right side of the page to add a new Destination.

  3. Click the Custom Webhook tile.

  4. On the Configure Your Webhook Destination page, fill out the form:

    • Display Name: Enter a descriptive name.

    • Custom Webhook URL: Enter your Custom Webhook forwarding URL.

      • Your webhook URL is in the following format: https://<your_domain><base_api_path>

      • This value can be created by combining the following values in your ServiceNow console:

        • The domain in your browser address bar

        • The value in the Base API path field

    • Severity Levels: Select the severity level of alerts to send to this destination.

    • Default Alert Types: Select the alert types to send to this destination.

  5. Click Add Destination.

  6. Click Send Test Alert to make sure everything works correctly.

  7. Click Finish Setup.


Click the Test Alert button to generate an alert and send to ServiceNow; the payload of the alert is seen below:

{"id":"Test.Alert","createdAt":"2022-04-26T03:17:32.099054303Z","severity":"INFO","type":"RULE","link":"","title":"This is a Test Alert","name":"Test Alert","alertId":"Test.Alert","alertContext":{},"description":"This is a Test Alert","runbook":"Stuck? Check out our docs:","tags":["test"],"version":"1"}

Once the alert is received by ServiceNow, an incident is created in ServiceNow Incident table:

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