AWS CloudTrail
Connecting AWS CloudTrail logs to your Panther Console
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Connecting AWS CloudTrail logs to your Panther Console
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Panther supports ingesting Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudTrail logs via AWS S3 or CloudWatch Logs. You can enrich CloudTrail logs with extra context using the TrailDiscover Enrichment Provider.
To pull CloudTrail logs into Panther, you will need to set up a Data Transport using either S3 or CloudWatch Logs.
In the lefthand navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Configure > Log Sources.
Click Create New.
Search "AWS" to see the list of available log sources.
Select AWS CloudTrail.
Click the AWS S3 Bucket or CloudWatch Logs transport method to begin setup. Follow Panther’s documentation for configuring S3 or using CloudWatch Logs for data transport.
The latency between an event occurring in AWS and the event being sent to CloudTrail can be up to 15 minutes, but we commonly see data coming in at an average of 3.5 minutes. For more information, see AWS's documentation on how CloudTrail works.
See Panther's prewritten AWS rules in the panther-analysis Github repository.
See example SQL queries, for use in Panther's Data Explorer, in CloudTrail logs queries.
Panther supports AWS.CloudTrail, AWS.CloudTrailDigest, and AWS.CloudTrailInsight.
AWSCloudTrail represents the content of a CloudTrail S3 object. For more information, see AWS's documentation on CloudTrail log events.
schema: AWS.CloudTrail
name: AWS.CloudTrail
description: AWSCloudTrail represents the content of a CloudTrail S3 object.
- name: additionalEventData
description: Additional data about the event that was not part of the request or response.
type: json
- name: apiVersion
description: Identifies the API version associated with the AwsApiCall eventType value.
type: string
- name: awsRegion
required: true
description: The AWS region that the request was made to, such as us-east-2.
type: string
- name: errorCode
description: The AWS service error if the request returns an error.
type: string
- name: errorMessage
description: If the request returns an error, the description of the error. This message includes messages for authorization failures. CloudTrail captures the message logged by the service in its exception handling.
type: string
- name: eventID
required: true
description: GUID generated by CloudTrail to uniquely identify each event. You can use this value to identify a single event. For example, you can use the ID as a primary key to retrieve log data from a searchable database.
type: string
- name: eventName
required: true
description: The requested action, which is one of the actions in the API for that service.
type: string
- name: eventSource
required: true
description: The service that the request was made to. This name is typically a short form of the service name without spaces plus
type: string
- name: eventTime
required: true
description: The date and time the request was made, in coordinated universal time (UTC).
type: timestamp
timeFormat: rfc3339
isEventTime: true
- name: eventType
required: true
description: 'Identifies the type of event that generated the event record. This can be the one of the following values: AwsApiCall, AwsServiceEvent, AwsConsoleSignIn'
type: string
- name: eventVersion
required: true
description: The version of the log event format.
type: string
- name: managementEvent
description: 'A Boolean value that identifies whether the event is a management event. managementEvent is shown in an event record if eventVersion is 1.06 or higher, and the event type is one of the following: AwsApiCall, AwsConsoleAction, AwsConsoleSignIn, AwsServiceEvent'
type: boolean
- name: readOnly
description: Identifies whether this operation is a read-only operation.
type: boolean
- name: recipientAccountId
description: Represents the account ID that received this event. The recipientAccountID may be different from the CloudTrail userIdentity Element accountId. This can occur in cross-account resource access.
type: string
- aws_account_id
- name: requestID
description: The value that identifies the request. The service being called generates this value.
type: string
- name: requestParameters
description: The parameters, if any, that were sent with the request. These parameters are documented in the API reference documentation for the appropriate AWS service.
type: json
- name: resources
description: A list of resources accessed in the event.
type: array
type: object
- name: arn
description: ARN field
type: string
- aws_arn
- name: accountId
description: AccountID field
type: string
- aws_account_id
- name: type
description: Type field
type: string
- name: responseElements
description: The response element for actions that make changes (create, update, or delete actions). If an action does not change state (for example, a request to get or list objects), this element is omitted. These actions are documented in the API reference documentation for the appropriate AWS service.
type: json
- name: serviceEventDetails
description: Identifies the service event, including what triggered the event and the result.
type: json
- name: sharedEventID
description: GUID generated by CloudTrail to uniquely identify CloudTrail events from the same AWS action that is sent to different AWS accounts.
type: string
- name: sourceIPAddress
description: The IP address that the request was made from. For actions that originate from the service console, the address reported is for the underlying customer resource, not the console web server. For services in AWS, only the DNS name is displayed.
type: string
- hostname
- name: userAgent
description: The agent through which the request was made, such as the AWS Management Console, an AWS service, the AWS SDKs or the AWS CLI.
type: string
- name: userIdentity
required: true
description: Information about the user that made a request.
type: object
- name: type
description: Type field
type: string
- name: principalId
description: PrincipalID field
type: string
- name: arn
description: ARN field
type: string
- aws_arn
- name: accountId
description: AccountID field
type: string
- aws_account_id
- name: accessKeyId
description: AccessKeyID field
type: string
- trace_id
- name: userName
description: Username field
type: string
- username
- name: sessionContext
description: SessionContext field
type: object
- name: attributes
description: Attributes field
type: object
- name: mfaAuthenticated
description: MfaAuthenticated field
type: string
- name: creationDate
description: CreationDate field
type: string
- name: sessionIssuer
description: SessionIssuer field
type: object
- name: type
description: Type field
type: string
- name: principalId
description: PrincipalID field
type: string
- name: arn
description: Arn field
type: string
- aws_arn
- name: accountId
description: AccountID field
type: string
- aws_account_id
- name: userName
description: Username field
type: string
- username
- name: webIdFederationData
description: WebIDFederationData field
type: object
- name: federatedProvider
description: FederatedProvider field
type: string
- name: attributes
description: Attributes field
type: json
- name: ec2RoleDelivery
description: Ec2RoleDelivery field
type: string
- name: invokedBy
description: InvokedBy field
type: string
- name: identityProvider
description: IdentityProvider field
type: string
- name: vpcEndpointId
description: Identifies the VPC endpoint in which requests were made from a VPC to another AWS service, such as Amazon S3.
type: string
- name: eventCategory
description: Shows the event category that is used in LookupEvents calls.
type: string
- name: sessionCredentialFromConsole
description: Shows whether or not an event originated from an AWS Management Console session. It is missing when false
type: boolean
- name: edgeDeviceDetails
description: Shows information about edge devices that are targets of a request.
type: json
- name: tlsDetails
description: Shows information about the Transport Layer Security (TLS) version, cipher suites, and the FQDN of the client-provided host name of a service API call.
type: object
- name: tlsVersion
description: The TLS version of a request.
type: string
- name: cipherSuite
description: The cipher suite (combination of security algorithms used) of a request.
type: string
- name: clientProvidedHostHeader
description: The FQDN of the client that made the request.
type: string
AWSCloudTrailDigest contains the names of the log files that were delivered to your S3 bucket during the last hour, the hash values for those log files, and the signature of the previous digest file. For more information, see AWS's documentation on CloudTrail digest file structure.
schema: AWS.CloudTrailDigest
name: AWS.CloudTrailDigest
description: AWSCloudTrailDigest contains the names of the log files that were delivered to your Amazon S3 bucket during the last hour, the hash values for those log files, and the signature of the previous digest file.
version: 0
- name: awsAccountId
required: true
description: The AWS account ID for which the digest file has been delivered.
type: string
- aws_account_id
- name: digestStartTime
required: true
description: The starting UTC time range that the digest file covers, taking as a reference the time in which log files have been delivered by CloudTrail.
type: timestamp
timeFormat: rfc3339
- name: digestEndTime
required: true
description: The ending UTC time range that the digest file covers, taking as a reference the time in which log files have been delivered by CloudTrail.
type: timestamp
timeFormat: rfc3339
isEventTime: true
- name: digestS3Bucket
required: true
description: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to which the current digest file has been delivered.
type: string
- name: digestS3Object
required: true
description: The Amazon S3 object key (that is, the Amazon S3 bucket location) of the current digest file.
type: string
- name: newestEventTime
description: The UTC time of the most recent event among all of the events in the log files in the digest.
type: timestamp
timeFormat: rfc3339
- name: oldestEventTime
description: The UTC time of the oldest event among all of the events in the log files in the digest.
type: timestamp
timeFormat: rfc3339
- name: previousDigestS3Bucket
description: The Amazon S3 bucket to which the previous digest file was delivered.
type: string
- name: previousDigestS3Object
description: The Amazon S3 object key (that is, the Amazon S3 bucket location) of the previous digest file.
type: string
- name: previousDigestHashValue
description: The hexadecimal encoded hash value of the uncompressed contents of the previous digest file.
type: string
- sha256
- name: previousDigestHashAlgorithm
description: The name of the hash algorithm that was used to hash the previous digest file.
type: string
- name: previousDigestSignature
description: The hexadecimal encoded signature of the previous digest file.
type: string
- name: digestPublicKeyFingerprint
required: true
description: The hexadecimal encoded fingerprint of the public key that matches the private key used to sign this digest file.
type: string
- name: digestSignatureAlgorithm
required: true
description: The algorithm used to sign the digest file.
type: string
- name: logFiles
required: true
description: Log files delivered in this digest
type: array
type: object
- name: s3Bucket
required: true
description: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket for the log file.
type: string
- name: s3Object
required: true
description: The Amazon S3 object key of the current log file.
type: string
- name: hashValue
required: true
description: The hexadecimal encoded hash value of the uncompressed log file content.
type: string
- sha256
- name: hashAlgorithm
required: true
description: The hash algorithm used to hash the log file.
type: string
- name: newestEventTime
required: true
description: The UTC time of the most recent event among the events in the log file.
type: timestamp
timeFormat: rfc3339
- name: oldestEventTime
required: true
description: The UTC time of the oldest event among the events in the log file.
type: timestamp
timeFormat: rfc3339
AWSCloudTrailInsight represents the content of a CloudTrail Insight event record S3 object. For more information, see AWS's documentation on CloudTrail log events.
schema: AWS.CloudTrailInsight
name: AWS.CloudTrailInsight
description: AWSCloudTrailInsight represents the content of a CloudTrail Insight event record S3 object.
version: 0
- name: eventVersion
required: true
description: The version of the log event format.
type: string
- name: eventTime
required: true
description: The date and time the request was made, in coordinated universal time (UTC).
type: timestamp
timeFormat: rfc3339
isEventTime: true
- name: awsRegion
required: true
description: The AWS region that the request was made to, such as us-east-2.
type: string
- name: eventId
required: true
description: GUID generated by CloudTrail to uniquely identify each event. You can use this value to identify a single event. For example, you can use the ID as a primary key to retrieve log data from a searchable database.
type: string
- name: eventType
required: true
description: 'Identifies the type of event that generated the event record. This can be the one of the following values: AwsApiCall, AwsServiceEvent, AwsConsoleSignIn'
type: string
- name: recipientAccountId
description: Represents the account ID that received this event. The recipientAccountID may be different from the CloudTrail userIdentity Element accountId. This can occur in cross-account resource access.
type: string
- aws_account_id
- name: sharedEventId
required: true
description: A GUID that is generated by CloudTrail Insights to uniquely identify an Insights event. sharedEventID is common between the start and the end Insights events.
type: string
- trace_id
- name: insightDetails
required: true
description: Shows information about the underlying triggers of an Insights event, such as event source, statistics, API name, and whether the event is the start or end of the Insights event.
type: object
- name: state
required: true
description: Shows whether the event represents the start or end of the insight (the start or end of unusual activity). Values are Start or End.
type: string
- name: eventSource
required: true
description: The AWS API for which unusual activity was detected.
type: string
- name: eventName
required: true
description: The AWS API for which unusual activity was detected.
type: string
- name: insightType
required: true
description: The type of Insights event. Value is ApiCallRateInsight.
type: string
- name: insightContext
description: Data about the rate of calls that triggered the Insights event compared to the normal rate of calls to the subject API per minute.
type: object
- name: statistics
description: A container for data about the typical average rate of calls to the subject API by an account, the rate of calls that triggered the Insights event, and the duration, in minutes, of the Insights event.
type: object
- name: baseline
description: Shows the typical average rate of calls to the subject API by an account within a specific AWS Region.
type: object
- name: average
description: Average value for the insight metric
type: float
- name: insight
description: Shows the unusual rate of calls to the subject API that triggers the logging of an Insights event.
type: object
- name: average
description: Average value for the insight metric
type: float
- name: insightDuration
description: The duration, in minutes, of an Insights event (the time period from the start to the end of unusual activity on the subject API). insightDuration only occurs in end Insights events.
type: float
- name: eventCategory
required: true
description: Shows the event category that is used in LookupEvents calls. In Insights events, the value is insight.
type: string