Asana Destination

Configuring Asana as an alert destination in your Panther Console


Destinations are integrations that receive alerts from rules, policies, system health notifications, and rule errors. Panther supports configuring Asana as the destination where you will receive alerts.

When an alert is forwarded to an Asana destination, a new task is created in the configured Asana project(s).

The Asana destination requires a Service Account Token for Asana Enterprise customers (or a Personal Access Token for a basic Asana account) and one or more Project GID.

How to set up Asana alert destinations in Panther

Completing prerequisites in Asana

  1. Determine which Asana user you will use to be the reporter of issues.

    • To ensure continuity, we recommend creating a service account specifically for this purpose.

  2. Copy your Asana project's Project GID and store it a secure location. You will need this in the next steps. To find the Project GID:

    1. In Asana, click Home in the left sidebar.

    2. The copied link should look like The Project GID is the 16-digit number in the URL.

  3. Copy your Asana user's Service Account Token (or Access Token if you are using a basic Asana account) and store it in a secure location. You will need this in the next steps.

Note: This token should be treated as sensitively as a password, and you will not be able to access it again in the future.

Setting up the Destination in Panther

  1. Log in to your Panther Console and navigate to Configure > Alert Destinations.

  2. Click +Add your first Destination.

    • If you have already created Destinations, click Create New in the upper right side of the page to add a new Destination.

  3. Click Asana from the list of options.

    • Display Name: Enter a descriptive name.

    • Access Token: Paste in the Access Token you created for your user in Asana.

    • Project GIDs: Paste in your Asana project(s) GID then hit the Return key.

    • Severity: Select the severity level of alerts to send to this Destination.

    • Alert Types: Select the alert types to send to this Destination.

    • Log Type: By default, we will send alerts from all log types. Specify log types here if you want to only send alerts from specific log types.

    • One-Way Status Syncing: When set to ON, alert status changes being made via the Panther Console, API, or Slack Bot will sync and update the status of any corresponding Asana Tasks.

      • Any Alert Status changes made via Panther will also be added as a comment within the Asana Task. Any updates made in Asana will not sync back to Panther.

      • The Panther Alert Status and corresponding Asana Task status will be mapped as follows:

  4. Click Continue.

  5. Click Finish Setup to complete your setup, or click Send Test Alert to test your setup.

Additional Information on Destinations

For more information on alert routing order, modifying or deleting destinations, and workflow automation, please see the Panther docs: Destinations.

Last updated