Datatable Operator

Provide sample data with PantherFlow's datatable operator


Provide sample data as a table source (instead of referencing a live Snowflake table) with datatable.

datatable [{...}, {...}, ...]

The datatable operator will likely be most useful during testing, but it can also be used in other situations, for example, when performing a join to create a simple Lookup Table. See an example of how to use the join operator with datatable on Join Operator.

Because JSON is valid PantherFlow, it's possible to copy and paste a JSON object into a datatable statement.

A datatable can be used in any place a table is allowed, such as a let statement or within a subquery.


datatable [
    {"name": "paul.paulson", "favorite_food": "pineapple"},
    {"name": "samantha.samson", "favorite_food": "carrot"}
| where favorite_food == 'pineapple'





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