Visualize Operator


Use the visualize operator to generate a bar or line chart of your query results.

| visualize <bar|line> <annotation>=<expression>[, ...] 

You can use visualize with any results set that has two fields where at least one one field is numeric. It's particularly useful to use visualize with summarize and aggregations like agg.count(). The visualize operator must be used last in a PantherFlow query, and does not filter or transform data.

By default, visualize displays a vertical bar chart, but you can use line or bar to set the type. Further customize the chart using the supported annotations.


  • The wrong column may be selected when declaring a series= but not an xcolumn=, or vice versa (xcolumn= but not a series)

  • To move a vertical bar chart horizontally (left/right), you must scroll vertically (up/down)

  • A maximum of 999 data points can be visualized

  • Data is graphed in sorted order. For timeseries data, you must sort the data by time if you want it to appear in time order in the graph

  • In bar charts, columns are ordered alphabetically and cannot be rearranged

  • Timeseries data renders incorrectly when used as an axis (xcolumn or ycolumn) value in a bar chart. Use a line chart with timeseries data instead.

Supported chart types

  • bar (default)

  • line

    • In order to create a line chart, the field represented on the x-axis must have a date/time data type.

Supported annotations

Use annotations with visualize to customize the resulting chart. Separate multiple annotations with a comma.

Supported values


The title of the chart. If not provided, the default is <name of x-axis field> vs <name of y-axis field>. If value contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.


title="My Chart"


The direction of the chart. Applicable only to bar charts.

vertical (default) horizontal



The existence and position of a chart legend. The default value is hidden for single-series data and bottom for multi-series data.

To hide the legend, use hidden.

hidden (default for single-series data) visible (defaults to bottom) top bottom (default for multi-series data) left right



Name of field that should be represented on the x-axis. (This is not the label of the x-axis.) If a timeseries field, must be used with a line chart.




Name of field that should be represented on the y-axis. (This is not the label of the y-axis.) If a timeseries field, must be used with a line chart.




Name of field that should be used to group data. A chart can be:

  • Single-series: Represented by a single line for line charts and bars made up of a single color for bar charts

  • Multi-series: Represented by multiple lines, each with a different color, for line charts, and bars made up of multiple colors for bar charts

If series is not provided, PantherFlow makes an assumption on which field should be treated as the series value.




Default bar chart

| visualize

Bar chart with legend, orientation, and title set

| visualize bar legend=left, orientation=horizontal, title="My Chart"

Bar chart with agg.count()

This example uses sample data that has more than two fields (like most real-world data sets). The query uses summarize events = agg.count() by actionName to generate a results set with two fields (actionName and events) before visualize is used. Learn more about aggregations on PantherFlow Functions and summarize on Summarize Operator.

This query has unique example data:

| summarize events = agg.count() by actionName
| sort actionName desc
| limit 4
| visualize

Line chart with title set

This query has unique example data:

| visualize line title="Last week's events"

Line chart measuring action count by hour

The query below displays the Panther Audit logs action count per hour for the past two days, bucketing the data by hour. A separate chart line is added for each actionName.

| where p_event_time >= time.ago(2d)
| summarize count = agg.count() by actionName, hour = time.trunc('hour', p_event_time)
| sort hour asc
| visualize line legend=bottom, title='Action count by hour'

Line chart measuring the number of alerts by detectionId per day

The query below displays the number of alerts by detectionId per day for the past two weeks.

| where p_event_time >= time.ago(14d)
| summarize count = agg.count() by detectionId, hour = time.trunc('day', p_event_time)
| sort hour asc
| visualize line title="Alert count by detectionId per day"

Bar chart measuring mean time to detection

The query below displays the mean time between when an event is ingested and when a detection is triggered, for the 15 slowest rules by detectionId.

| where p_event_time >= time.ago(7d)
| summarize mean = agg.avg(ingestTimeToDetectionSeconds) by detectionId
| sort mean desc
| limit 15
| visualize bar xcolumn=mean, ycolumn=detectionId, legend=right, orientation=horizontal, title='Mean Time to Detect'

Bar chart using series

This query has unique example data:

| visualize bar series=user

Last updated

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