Saved and Scheduled Searches

Save and optionally schedule searches


You can avoid repeatedly creating the same searches in Panther's Data Explorer and Search by saving your searches. You can also schedule searches created in Data Explorer, which allows you to then run results against a rule and alert on matches. This workflow includes the following features:

By default, each Panther account is limited to 10 active Scheduled Searches. This limit is only precautionary, and can be increased via a support request. There is no additional cost from Panther for raising this limit, however you may incur extra charges from the database backend, depending on the volume of data processed.

In the CLI workflow, Saved and Scheduled Searches are often referred to as queries.

A Saved Search is a preserved search expression. Saving the searches your team runs frequently can help reduce duplicated work. You can create Saved Searches in the Panther Console (in either Search or Data Explorer), or using the CLI workflow.

You can also add variables in your Saved Searches, creating Templated Queries. Learn more on Templated Queries and Macros.

How to create a Saved Search in the Panther Console

You can save a search in Panther's Data Explorer or Search. Searches saved in both tools are considered Saved Searches. Follow these instructions for how to save a search in Data Explorer, and these instructions for how to save a search in Search.

A Scheduled Search is a Saved Search that has been configured to run on a schedule. Using the Panther Console, currently only Saved Searches created in Data Explorer can be scheduled—Saved Searches created in Search (including those created in both SQL and PantherFlow) cannot be scheduled. You can alternatively create and upload Scheduled Searches using the CLI workflow.

Note that creating a Scheduled Search alone won't run the returned data against detections or send alerts. To do this, you must also create a Scheduled Rule, and associate it with your Scheduled Search.

Customer-configured Snowflake accounts: Your company will incur costs on your database backend every time a Scheduled Search runs. Please make sure that your searches can complete inside the specified timeout period. This does not apply to accounts that use Panther-managed Snowflake.

How to create a Scheduled Search in Data Explorer

To learn how to schedule your Saved Search created in Data Explorer, follow one of the below sets of instructions:

How to use the Scheduled Search crontab

Panther's Scheduled Search crontab uses the standard crontab notation consisting of five fields: minutes, hours, day of month, month, day of week. Additionally, you will find a search timeout selector (with a maximum value currently set at 10 minutes). The expression will run on UTC.

The interpreter uses a subset of the standard crontab notation:

┌───────── minute (0 - 59)
│ ┌──────── hour (0 - 23)
│ │ ┌────── day of month (1 - 31)
│ │ │ ┌──── month (1 - 12)
│ │ │ │ ┌── day of week (0 - 6 => Sunday - Saturday)
│ │ │ │ │               
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
* * * * *

If you want to specify day by day, you can separate days with dashes (1-5 is Monday through Friday) or commas, for example 0,1,4 in the Day of Week field will execute the command only on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays. Currently, we do not support using named days of the week or month names.

Using the crontab allows you to be more specific in your schedule than the Period frequency option:

Using Saved and Scheduled Searches

You can delete Saved Searches individually or in bulk. Note that if a Saved Search is scheduled (i.e., it's a Scheduled Search), it must be unlinked from any Scheduled Rules it's associated to in order to be deleted.

  1. In the left-hand navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Investigate > Saved Searches.

  2. In the list of Saved Searches, find the search or searches you'd like to download or delete. Check the box to the left of the name of each search.

    • If you clicked Download, a file will be downloaded.

  1. In the left-hand navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Investigate > Saved Searches.

  2. In the dropdown menu, click Edit Search Metadata.

  3. Click Update Query to save your changes.

Update a Saved Search's metadata

To edit a Saved Search's name, tags, description, and default database (and, for Scheduled Searches, whether it's active, and the period or cron expression):

  1. In the left-hand navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Investigate > Saved Searches.

  2. In the dropdown menu, click Edit Search Metadata.

  3. Make changes in the Update Search form as needed.

  4. Click Update Search.

Search for Saved Searches

On the Saved Searches page, you can search for queries using:

  • The search bar at the top of the queries list

  • The date range selector in the upper right corner

  • The Filters option in the upper right corner

    • Filter by whether the query is scheduled, whether its active, its type (Native SQL, Search, or PantherFlow Search), or by up to 100 tags.

Click on the name of the Saved Search to be taken directly to Data Explorer (for Native SQL queries) or Search (for Search and PantherFlow Search searches) with the query populated.

Use LIMITs in Scheduled Searches

In the Panther Data Lake settings page, you can optionally enable a setting that will check if a Scheduled Search has a LIMIT clause specified. Use this option if you're concerned about a Scheduled Search unintentionally returning thousands of results, potentially resulting in alert delays, Denial of Service (DoS) for downstream systems and general cleanup overhead from poorly tuned queries.

Note: Scheduled Searches that result in a timeout will generate a System Error to identify that the Scheduled Search was unsuccessful.

  1. Click the Data Lake tab.

When this field is set to ON, any new Scheduled Searches marked as active cannot be saved unless a LIMIT clause is specified in the query definition.

Existing Scheduled Searches without a LIMIT clause will appear with a warning message in the list of Saved Searches, and edits cannot be saved unless a LIMIT clause is included.

The setting only checks for the existence of a LIMIT clause anywhere in the Saved Search. It does not check specifically for outer LIMIT clauses.

Exporting Scheduled Searches from your Panther Console

You can export a .zip file of all of the detections and Scheduled Searches in your Panther Console:

  1. In the left-hand navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Detections.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click Upload.

  3. In the Bulk Uploader modal, click Download all entities.

Saved Search specification reference

Required fields are in bold.

A complete list of Saved Search specification fields:

Field NameDescriptionExpected Value


Indicates whether this analysis is a Rule, Policy, Scheduled Search, Saved Search, or global.



A friendly name to show in the UI.



Tags used to categorize this rule.

List of strings


A brief description of the rule.



A query that can run on any backend. If this field is specified, you should not specify a SnowflakeQuery or a AthenaQuery. Must be written in SQL (i.e., cannot be PantherFlow).



A query specifically for a Snowflake backend.



A query specifically for Athena.


Scheduled Search specification reference

Required fields are in bold.

A complete list of Scheduled Search specification fields:

Field NameDescriptionExpected Value


Indicates whether this analysis is a Rule, Policy, Scheduled Search, Saved Search, or global.



A friendly name to show in the UI.



Whether this rule is enabled.



Tags used to categorize this rule.

List of strings


A brief description of the rule.



A query that can run on any backend. If this field is specified, you should not specify a SnowflakeQuery or a AthenaQuery.



A query specifically for a Snowflake backend.



A query specifically for Athena.



The schedule that this query should run. Expressed with a CronExpression or in Rate Minutes. TimeoutMinutes is required to release the query if it takes longer than expected. Note that cron and rate minutes are mutually exclusive.

CronExpression: "0 0 29 2 *"
  RateMinutes: 0
  TimeoutMinutes: 2


Last updated