Lacework Alert Channel Webhook

Panther supports receiving Lacework Event logs via webhook


You can ingest Lacework Event logs into Panther by configuring a Custom Webhook Alert Channel to post events to a Panther HTTP source.

If you are looking for instructions on ingesting Lacework log types other than Lacework.Events, please see the Lacework Export documentation.

How to onboard Alert Channel Webhook logs to Panther

Step 1: Create a Lacework Alert Channel Webhook log source in Panther

  1. In the left-hand navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Configure > Log Sources.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Search for "Lacework Alert Channel Webhook", then click its tile.

    • In the slide-out panel, the Transport Mechanism dropdown in the upper-right corner will be pre-populated with the HTTP option.

  4. Click Start Setup.

  5. Follow Panther's instructions for configuring an HTTP Source.

Step 2: Configure Lacework to push logs to your Panther HTTP source

Supported log type


Lacework.Events represents the content of an exported Lacework Alert S3 Object.

Reference: Lacework Documentation on Events.

Lacework Alert S3 Objects often contain only a subset of the fields shown below in Panther's Lacework.Events schema. Many fields in this schema are included to accommodate edge cases. See example payloads in the Lacework documentation.

      required: true
      description: The category the event falls into
      type: string
    - name: EVENT_DETAILS
      required: true
      description: The event details
      type: object
        - name: data
          description: The array of event data
          type: array
            type: object
                - name: START_TIME
                  description: The event start time.
                  type: timestamp
                  timeFormat: rfc3339
                - name: END_TIME
                  description: The event end time.
                  type: timestamp
                  timeFormat: rfc3339
                - name: EVENT_TYPE
                  description: The event type description eg - launched new binary.
                  type: string
                - name: EVENT_ID
                  description: The event alert ID.
                  type: string
                - name: EVENT_ACTOR
                  description: The origin of the event eg - AWS, User.
                  type: string
                - name: EVENT_MODEL
                  description: The model that triggered an alert.
                  type: string
                - name: ENTITY_MAP
                  description: The map of related fields to the detection alert.
                  type: object
                    - name: User
                      description: Any user based info involved in an alert.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: MACHINE_HOSTNAME
                              description: Hostname field
                              type: string
                            - name: USERNAME
                              description: Username field
                              type: string
                                - username
                    - name: Application
                      description: Any application based info involved in an alert.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: APPLICATION
                              description: Application field
                              type: string
                            - name: HAS_EXTERNAL_CONNS
                              description: HasExternalConns field
                              type: bigint
                            - name: IS_CLIENT
                              description: IsClient field
                              type: bigint
                            - name: IS_SERVER
                              description: IsServer field
                              type: bigint
                            - name: EARLIEST_KNOWN_TIME
                              description: EarliestKnownTime field
                              type: timestamp
                              timeFormat: rfc3339
                    - name: Machine
                      description: Any machine based info involved in an alert.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: HOSTNAME
                              description: Hostname field
                              type: string
                            - name: EXTERNAL_IP
                              description: ExternalIP field
                              type: string
                                - ip
                            - name: INSTANCE_ID
                              description: InstanceID field
                              type: string
                            - name: INSTANCE_NAME
                              description: InstanceName field
                              type: string
                            - name: CPU_PERCENTAGE
                              description: CPUPercentage field
                              type: float
                            - name: INTERNAL_IP_ADDR
                              description: InternalIPAddress field
                              type: string
                                - ip
                            - name: IS_EXTERNAL
                              description: IsExternal field
                              type: bigint
                    - name: Container
                      description: Any container based info involved in an alert.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: IMAGE_REPO
                              description: ImageRepo field
                              type: string
                            - name: IMAGE_TAG
                              description: ImageTag field
                              type: string
                            - name: HAS_EXTERNAL_CONNS
                              description: HasExternalConns field
                              type: bigint
                            - name: IS_CLIENT
                              description: IsClient field
                              type: bigint
                            - name: IS_SERVER
                              description: IsServer field
                              type: bigint
                            - name: FIRST_SEEN_TIME
                              description: FirstSeenTime field
                              type: timestamp
                              timeFormat: rfc3339
                            - name: POD_NAMESPACE
                              description: PodNamespace field
                              type: string
                            - name: POD_IP_ADDR
                              description: PodIPAddress field
                              type: string
                                - ip
                    - name: DnsName
                      description: Any dns based info involved in an alert.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: HOSTNAME
                              description: Hostname field
                              type: string
                            - name: PORT_LIST
                              description: PortList field
                              type: array
                                type: int
                            - name: TOTAL_IN_BYTES
                              description: TotalINBytes field
                              type: float
                            - name: TOTAL_OUT_BYTES
                              description: TotalOUTBytes field
                              type: float
                    - name: IpAddress
                      description: Any ip based info involved in an alert.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: IP_ADDRESS
                              description: SourceIPAddress field
                              type: string
                                - ip
                            - name: TOTAL_IN_BYTES
                              description: TotalINBytes field
                              type: float
                            - name: TOTAL_OUT_BYTES
                              description: TotalOUTBytes field
                              type: float
                            - name: THREAT_TAGS
                              description: ThreatTags field
                              type: array
                                type: string
                            - name: THREAT_SOURCE
                              description: ThreatSource field
                              type: json
                            - name: COUNTRY
                              description: Country field
                              type: string
                            - name: REGION
                              description: Region field
                              type: string
                            - name: PORT_LIST
                              description: PortList field
                              type: array
                                type: int
                            - name: FIRST_SEEN_TIME
                              description: FirstSeenTime field
                              type: string
                    - name: Process
                      description: Any process based info involved in an alert.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: HOSTNAME
                              description: Hostname field
                              type: string
                            - name: PROCESS_ID
                              description: ProcessID field
                              type: bigint
                            - name: PROCESS_START_TIME
                              description: ProcessStartTime field
                              type: timestamp
                              timeFormat: rfc3339
                            - name: CMDLINE
                              description: CommandLine field
                              type: string
                            - name: CPU_PERCENTAGE
                              description: CPUPercentage field
                              type: float
                    - name: FileDataHash
                      description: Any filehash based info involved in an alert.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: FILEDATA_HASH
                              description: FiledataHash field
                              type: string
                            - name: MACHINE_COUNT
                              description: MachineCount field
                              type: bigint
                            - name: EXE_PATH_LIST
                              description: EXEPathList field
                              type: array
                                type: string
                            - name: FIRST_SEEN_TIME
                              description: FirstSeenTime field
                              type: timestamp
                              timeFormat: rfc3339
                            - name: IS_KNOWN_BAD
                              description: ISKnownBad field
                              type: bigint
                    - name: FileExePath
                      description: Any executable filepath information.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: EXE_PATH
                              description: EXEPath field
                              type: string
                            - name: FIRST_SEEN_TIME
                              description: FirstSeenTime field
                              type: timestamp
                              timeFormat: rfc3339
                            - name: LAST_FILEDATA_HASH
                              description: LastFileDataHash field
                              type: string
                            - name: LAST_PACKAGE_NAME
                              description: LastPackageName field
                              type: string
                            - name: LAST_VERSION
                              description: LastVersion field
                              type: string
                            - name: LAST_FILE_OWNER
                              description: LastFileOwner field
                              type: string
                    - name: SourceIpAddress
                      description: Source IP based information.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: IP_ADDRESS
                              description: SourceIPAddress field
                              type: string
                                - ip
                            - name: REGION
                              description: Region field
                              type: string
                            - name: COUNTRY
                              description: Country field
                              type: string
                    - name: API
                      description: The service and endpoint.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: SERVICE
                              description: EventSource field
                              type: string
                            - name: API
                              description: EventName field
                              type: string
                    - name: Region
                      description: Regional based information.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: REGION
                              description: Region field
                              type: string
                            - name: ACCOUNT_LIST
                              description: RecipientAccountID field
                              type: array
                                type: string
                    - name: CT_User
                      description: Cloudtrail user information.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: USERNAME
                              description: Username field
                              type: string
                                - username
                            - name: ACCOUNT_ID
                              description: AccountID field
                              type: string
                            - name: MFA
                              description: MFA field
                              type: bigint
                            - name: API_LIST
                              description: APIList field
                              type: array
                                type: string
                            - name: REGION_LIST
                              description: RegionList field
                              type: array
                                type: string
                            - name: PRINCIPAL_ID
                              description: AccessKeyID field
                              type: string
                    - name: Resource
                      description: Resource values.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: NAME
                              description: Name field
                              type: string
                            - name: VALUE
                              description: Value field
                              type: string
                    - name: RecId
                      description: Receiver account info.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: REC_ID
                              description: RECID field
                              type: string
                            - name: ACCOUNT_ID
                              description: RecipientAccountID field
                              type: string
                            - name: ACCOUNT_ALIAS
                              description: AccountAlias field
                              type: string
                            - name: TITLE
                              description: Title field
                              type: string
                            - name: STATUS
                              description: Status field
                              type: string
                            - name: EVAL_TYPE
                              description: EVALType field
                              type: string
                            - name: EVAL_GUID
                              description: EVALGUID field
                              type: string
                    - name: CustomRule
                      description: Custom Rule info.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: LAST_UPDATED_TIME
                              description: LastUpdatedTime field
                              type: timestamp
                              timeFormat: rfc3339
                            - name: LAST_UPDATED_USER
                              description: LastUpdatedUser field
                              type: string
                            - name: DISPLAY_FILTER
                              description: DisplayFilter field
                              type: string
                            - name: RULE_GUID
                              description: RuleGUID field
                              type: string
                    - name: NewViolation
                      description: Violation Ref.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: REC_ID
                              description: RECID field
                              type: string
                            - name: REASON
                              description: Reason field
                              type: string
                            - name: RESOURCE
                              description: Resource field
                              type: string
                    - name: ViolationReason
                      description: A reason for the violation.
                      type: array
                        type: object
                            - name: REC_ID
                              description: RECID field
                              type: string
                            - name: REASON
                              description: Reason field
                              type: string
    - name: SEVERITY
      required: true
      description: The severity level of the alert
      type: bigint
    - name: START_TIME
      required: true
      description: The event start time.
      type: timestamp
      timeFormat: strftime=%d %b %Y %H:%M %Z
      isEventTime: true
    - name: SUMMARY
      required: true
      description: The alert title and quick summary
      type: string
    - name: EVENT_TYPE
      required: true
      description: The type of event
      type: string
    - name: EVENT_NAME
      required: true
      description: The event name
      type: string
    - name: LINK
      required: true
      description: A link to the Lacework dashboard for the event
      type: string
    - name: EVENT_ID
      required: true
      description: The eventID reference
      type: bigint
    - name: ACCOUNT
      required: true
      description: The Lacework tenant that created the event
      type: string
    - name: SOURCE
      required: true
      description: The data source the event triggered on
      type: string

Last updated