PantherFlow is in open beta starting with Panther version 1.110, and is available to all customers. Please share any bug reports and feature requests with your Panther support team.
See additional PantherFlow query examples on Scheduled Search Examples .
query examples
Query the panther_logs.public.panther_audit
Copy panther_logs.public.panther_audit
Return up to 10 results:
Copy panther_logs.public.panther_audit
| limit 10
Sort by p_event_time
Copy panther_logs.public.panther_audit
| sort p_event_time desc
| limit 10
Filter on the last 24 hours:
Copy panther_logs.public.panther_audit
| where p_event_time > - 1d
| sort p_event_time desc
| limit 10
Filter on timestamp:
Copy panther_logs.public.panther_audit
| where p_event_time > time.parse_timestamp('2023-09-01 00:00:00Z')
| sort p_event_time desc
| limit 10
Filter on a nested field (using dot notation)
Copy panther_logs.public.panther_audit
| where == ""
Filter on a nested field (using bracket notation)
Copy panther_logs.public.panther_audit
| where actor['name'] == ""
Check that a deeply nested value within an array exists (i.e., is not null)
Copy panther_logs.public.panther_audit
| where actionParams.dynamic.input.tableProperties[0].propertyId != null
Count events:
Copy panther_logs.public.panther_audit
| where p_event_time > time.parse_timestamp('2023-09-01 00:00:00Z')
| summarize row_count=agg.count()
Count number of actions:
Copy panther_logs.public.panther_audit
| where p_event_time > time.parse_timestamp('2023-09-01 00:00:00Z') and actionResult == "SUCCEEDED"
| summarize num_events=agg.count() by actionName
Only show rare actions:
Copy panther_logs.public.panther_audit
| where p_event_time > time.parse_timestamp('2023-09-01 00:00:00Z') and actionResult == "SUCCEEDED"
| summarize num_events=agg.count() by actionName
| where num_events < 5
| sort num_events asc
Last updated 4 months ago