Search Filter Operators

Supported operators for Panther's Search tool

Supported operators

Usage guidelines
Supported field types

is / is not

Valid for a single value. Results include only events where the field matches/ does not match the value in the filter.

string, number

username is “root”

is empty / is not empty

Valid for an event where the field's value is not specified. The operator tests only for the absence of data.


errors_list is empty

is in list / is not in list

Valid for multiple values. Results include only events where the field matches/does not match an entry in the list of values in the filter.


username is in [ “root”, “admin” ]

has substring / does not have substring

Valid for a single value. Results include only events where the field contains/does not contain the value in the filter.


domain contains “”

like / is not like

Valid for a single value. Results include only events where the field matches the pattern specified in the filter. Wildcards are supported in the pattern. An underscore (_) matches any single character. A percent sign (%) or asterisk (*) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.


role like “admin_” role like "%admin%"

role like "admin*"

equals / does not equal

Valid for a single value. Results include only events where the field matches/does not match the value in the filter.


count = 100

is greater than

Valid for a single value. Results include only events where the field is greater than the value in the filter.


port > 1023

is less than

Valid for a single value. Results include only events where the field is less than the value in the filter.


port < 1024

is greater than or equal to

Valid for a single value. Results include only events where the field is greater than or equal to the value in the filter.


count ≥ 1

is less than or equal to

Valid for a single value. Results include only events where the field is less than or equal to the value in the filter.


count ≤ 100

has / does not have

Valid for events that contain a specific single value. Results include only events that contain/do not contain the value in the filter.


domain has "" where domain is an array of values

has any / does not have any

Valid for events that contain any one of an array of values. Results include only events that contain/do not contain any of the values in the array.


domain has any "", "" where domain is an array of values

is true / is false

Valid for a single boolean value. Results include events where the boolean field is true or false.


success is true

is after

Valid for a single time value. Results include events that occurred after the specified time value.


timestamp is after 01/19/2023 2:48 PM UTC

is before

Valid for a single time value. Results include events that occurred before the specified time value.


timestamp is before 01/19/2023 2:48 PM UTC

is null / is not null

Valid for an event where the field's value is null. The operator tests for a null value.


errorCode is null

contains / does not contain

Valid for events that include objects that contain/do not contain fields with values that match the value in the filter. The provided key in the filter can be top level or can use dot notation to indicate a nested path.


actor contains username actor.attributes does not contain Admin where actor is a nested object

is within CIDR

Valid if a value is within a provided CIDR range


ip is within CIDR

Supported field types

Field types


A string value


A 32-bit integer number or 64-bit floating point number


A boolean value true / false


A JSON array where each element is of the same type


A valid timestamp


A JSON object

Last updated

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