PantherFlow Statements

There are two types of PantherFlow query statements


PantherFlow is in open beta starting with Panther version 1.110, and is available to all customers. Please share any bug reports and feature requests with your Panther support team.

A PantherFlow query is composed of one or more statements. There are two types of statements: tabular expression statements and let statements.

Multiple statements in the same query must be separated by semicolons (;). The final statement does not need a semicolon.

Tabular expression statements

A tabular expression statement is usually what comes to mind when you hear "piped query"—it's composed of a data source and typically one or more operators, separated by the pipe character (|). Each operator takes in data, performs its operation, then passes the transformed data on to the next operator.

In Search, you can begin your query with a database and table name (as shown below) or the union operator. If neither of these are provided, Search will use the values in the database and table dropdown fields.

| where accountId != '1234567'
| summarize Count=agg.count() by eventName
| extend tooHigh = Count > 100
| where tooHigh
| sort Count
| limit 10

Data sources

Each PantherFlow query must specify a data source. It's possible to use any of the following as the data source:

let statements

A let statement assigns a value to a variable that can be used in subsequent statements. let statements can define two types of variables:

  • Table variable: Represents a tabular expression, and can be later used like a table

  • Scalar variable: Represents a scalar value, or an expression that evaluates to a scalar value

Variables must be defined in a let statement before they are referenced. All let statements must end in a semicolon (;) when followed by another statement.

Table variables

A table variable is created when you assign a tabular expression statement to a variable using let. It can then be referred to like you would a tabular expression statement (i.e., it is one of the possible data sources).

The tabular expression statement assigned to a table variable is not executed until the variable is referred to, or "called," in a subsequent statement.

Naming your query with a table variable can be useful when you:

  • Don't want to write out the same query more than once

  • Want to make it easier for others to understand what your query is doing


The following example declares a table variable, elbOK. Below, elbOK is executed exactly as it is defined in the let statement:

let elbOK = panther_logs.public.aws_alb
| where elbStatusCode == 200;


Here, an additional operator is applied to elbOK within the tabular expression statement:

let elbOK = panther_logs.public.aws_alb
| where elbStatusCode == 200;

| where p_event_time > time.ago(1h)

You can use table variables wherever you would refer to a dataset, including with the union operator:

let ec2Events = panther_logs.public.aws_cloudtrail
| where p_event_time > time.ago(1h)
| where eventSource == "";

let s3Events = panther_logs.public.aws_cloudtrail
| where p_event_time > time.ago(1h)
| where eventSource == "";

union ec2Events, s3Events
| summarize count=agg.count() by eventName, eventSource
| sort count desc

Scalar variables

A scalar variable is created when you assign a non-tabular expression to a variable. Scalar variables can then be referenced throughout subsequent queries.

Declaring scalar variables can be useful when you want to:

  • Make your queries more readable and maintainable, especially when using the same value multiple times

  • Name values that would otherwise be misunderstood

Take note of the scalar variable limitations, below.


The following example declares a scalar variable, threshold, then references it in a where clause:

let threshold = 100;

| where p_event_time > time.ago(1d)
| summarize count=agg.count() by eventName
| where count > threshold

The value of an scalar variable can use a function, and a scalar variable can be used as a parameter to a function:

let domain = "";
let searchSuffix ="@", domain);

| where strings.ends_with(userIdentity.principalId, searchSuffix)
| summarize count=agg.count() by eventName

You can also use arithmetic expressions with scalar variables:

let hourInSeconds = 60 * 60;
let dayInSeconds = hourInSeconds * 24;
let weekInSeconds = dayInSeconds * 7;

| extend ageInSeconds = time.diff("s", p_event_time,
| extend ageCategory = case(
    ageInSeconds < hourInSeconds, "Less than an hour",
    ageInSeconds < dayInSeconds, "Less than a day",
    ageInSeconds < weekInSeconds, "Less than a week",
    "More than a week"
| summarize count=agg.count() by ageCategory

You can combine scalar and table variables for powerful queries:

// Scalar variables
let minSeverity = 3;
let timeRange = 7d;
let criticalServices = ["", "", ""];

// Table variable
let baseQuery = panther_logs.public.aws_cloudtrail
| where p_event_time > time.ago(timeRange)
| where eventSource in criticalServices;

// Table variable
let failedActions = baseQuery
| where errorCode != ""
| extend severity = case(
    errorCode == "AccessDenied", 4,
    errorCode == "UnauthorizedOperation", 3,
    strings.starts_with(errorCode, "Client"), 2,

// Tabular expression statement
| where severity >= minSeverity
| summarize count=agg.count() by eventSource, errorCode, severity
| sort severity desc, count desc

Variable naming rules

Variable names must adhere to the following rules:

  • The first character must be a letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($).

  • Characters after the first character must be letters, numbers, or underscores.

  • Existing table names cannot be used as variable names.

    • For example, if a table already exists named aws_cloudtrail, you cannot use aws_cloudtrail as a variable name.

  • Once a variable name has been used, it cannot be used again in the same PantherFlow search. That is, variables cannot be redefined.


Valid variable names
Invalid variable names


123myVar (starts with number)


my-var (invalid character)


my.var (invalid character)


my_var$ ($ only allowed as first character)

Last updated

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