SentinelOne Logs

Connecting SentinelOne Cloud Funnel logs to your Panther Console


Panther supports ingesting the following log types from SentinelOne:

  • Activity logs

    • SentinelOne Activity logs capture a multitude of events that occur in your network, including threat management events like Custom Rules - New Alert and User Marked Application As Threat, as well as administrative operations like Agent Request Uninstall and User 2FA Modified.

    • Panther pulls Activity logs from the /web/api/v2.1/activities endpoint in the SentinelOne API. This /activities endpoint is available on all paid SentinelOne plans.

    • To ingest these logs, follow the instructions in How to onboard SentinelOne API Activity logs to Panther, below.

  • Deep Visibility 2.0 logs

How to onboard SentinelOne API Activity logs to Panther

The instructions below apply to SentinelOne API Activity logs. For instructions on how to onboard SentinelOne Cloud Funnel logs, see the next section: How to onboard SentinelOne Deep Visibility logs to Panther.

Panther's support for SentinelOne API Activity logs is currently in open beta, and is available to all customers. Please share any bug reports and feature requests with your Panther support team.

Step 1: Create a SentinelOne Service User and API token

You will need an API Token from a Service User that has the Viewer role in your SentinelOne account. If you already have an API Token from a Service User, you may skip this step.

  1. In the left-hand navigation bar of your SentinelOne Dashboard, click Settings.

  2. At the top of the Settings page, click the Users tab.

  3. On the left side of the Users page, click Service Users.

  4. Click the Actions dropdown, then click Create New Service User.

  5. On the Create New Service User page, enter a name and a description, choose an expiration date, then click Next.

  6. On the "Select Scope of Access" page, configure the following:

    • Access Level: Account

    • Account selected: Ensure you have selected the correct account and that the role is set to Viewer

  7. Click Create User.

  8. Copy the API Token and store it in a secure location, as you will need to provide to Panther in the next part of the log source onboarding process.

Step 2: Create a new SentinelOne API source in Panther

  1. In the left-hand navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Configure > Log Sources.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Search for “SentinelOne API,” then click its tile.

  4. In the slide-out panel, click Start Setup.

  5. Configure the SentinelOne API source:

    • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the source, e.g., SentinelOne API.

    • SentinelOne API Organization: Enter the subdomain of your SentinelOne account. To find this value, log in to your SentinelOne Dashboard and copy the subdomain from the URL.

      • For example, if your dashboard URL is, your subdomain would be example-domain.

    • API Token: Enter the token of your Service User that you copied in the previous steps of this documentation.

  6. Click Setup. You will be directed to a success screen:

    • You can optionally enable one or more Detection Packs.

    • The Trigger an alert when no events are processed setting defaults to YES. We recommend leaving this enabled, as you will be alerted if data stops flowing from the log source after a certain period of time. The timeframe is configurable, with a default of 24 hours.

How to onboard SentinelOne Cloud Funnel Deep Visibility logs to Panther


  • You have created a cloud storage entity.

    • If you are using AWS S3, configure it according to the SentinelOne documentation found at [SentinelOne Domain]/docs/en/how-to-configure-your-amazon-s3-bucket.html.

Step 1: Create a new SentinelOne Cloud Funnel 2.0 source in Panther

  1. In the left-hand navigation bar of your Panther Console, click Configure > Log Sources.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Search for “SentinelOne Cloud Funnel 2.0,” then click its tile.

    • In the slide-out panel, the Transport Mechanism dropdown in the upper right corner will be pre-populated with the AWS S3 Bucket option.

  4. In the slide-out panel, click Start Setup.

  5. Follow Panther’s documentation for configuring AWS S3 as a Data Transport.

Step 2: Enable Cloud Funnel streaming

  • Follow the SentinelOne documentation on how to enable Cloud Funnel streaming to your cloud storage location, found at [SentinelOne Domain]/docs/en/how-to-enable-cloud-funnel-streaming.html#how-to-enable-cloud-funnel-streaming.

Supported log types


Activity events from the SentinelOne API.

schema: SentinelOne.Activity
    name: SentinelOne.Activity
description: Get the activities, and their data, that match the filters. We recommend that you set some values for the filters.
  - name: accountId
    description: Account id
    type: string
  - name: accountName
    description: Account Name
    type: string
  - name: activityType
    required: true
    description: Activity Type
    type: int
  - name: activityUuid
    description: Activity UUID
    type: string
  - name: agentId
    description: Related Agent Id
    type: string
  - name: agentUpdatedVersion
    description: Agents updated version
    type: string
  - name: comments
    description: Comments
    type: string
  - name: createdAt
    description: Activity creation time (UTC)
    type: timestamp
      - rfc3339
    isEventTime: true
  - name: data
    description: Event specific data. It can have following possible fields accountid, accountname, action, actoralternateid, agentipv4, alertid, alertprocessname, alertscounter, application, applicationtype, attr, bundlemessage, byuser, changedkeys, commandbatchuuid, commandid, computername, confidencelevel, createdat, createdbyusername, current, datasourcename, deactivationperiodindays, description, detectedat, direction, disabledlevel, dnsrequest, dnsresponse, downloadurl, dstip, dstport, dveventid, dveventtype, email, enabledreason, error, escapedmaliciousprocessarguments, eventcategory, eventdetails, eventexternalid, eventtime, exclusiontype, expiration, expirationmessage, expirydatestr, expirytime, externalip, externalip, externalthreatvalue, filecontenthash, filedisplayname, filename, filepath, fullscopedetails, fullscopedetailspath, group, groupid, groupname, grouptype, indicatorcategory, indicatordescription, indicatorname, initiatedbyname, ipaddress, k8sclustername, k8scontainerid, k8scontainerimage, k8scontainerlabels, k8scontainername, k8scontrollerkind, k8scontrollerlabels, k8scontrollername, k8snamespace, k8snamespacelabels, k8snode, k8spod, k8spodlabels, key, licensesdescription, localhost, localhosttype, localports, localporttype, locationnames, loginaccountdomain, loginaccountsid, loginisadministratorequivalent, loginissuccessful, loginsusername, logintype, majorversion, minorversion, modulemessage, modulepath, modulesha1, namechange, namemessage, neteventdirection, networkquarantine, newincidentstatus, newincidentstatustitle, newstatus, newvalue, noteaction, notedetails, oldaccountname, olddescription, oldincidentstatus, oldincidentstatustitle, oldkey, oldrulename, oldsitename, oldstatus, oldvalue, optionalgroups, order, origagentmachinetype, origagentmachinetype, origagentname, origagentname, origagentosfamily, origagentosfamily, origagentosname, origagentosname, origagentosrevision, origagentosrevision, origagentsiteid, origagentuuid, origagentuuid, origagentversion, origagentversion, originalstatus, osarch, osfamily, ostypes, packageid, physical, platformtype, policy, policyname, previous, protocol, reason, recoveryemail, registrykeypath, registryoldvalue, registryoldvaluetype, registrypath, registryvalue, remotehost, remotehosttype, remoteports, remoteporttype, reportlog, reportmgmt, role, rolename, rulecreationtime, ruledescription, ruleexpirationmode, ruleid, rulename, rulequerydetails, rulequerytype, rulescopeid, rulescopelevel, ruleseverity, scopeid, scopelevel, scopelevelname, scopename, setting, settingmessage, severity, siteexpiration, siteid, sitename, source, sourcename, sourceparentprocesscommandline, sourceparentprocessintegritylevel, sourceparentprocesskey, sourceparentprocessmd5, sourceparentprocessname, sourceparentprocesspath, sourceparentprocesspid, sourceparentprocesssha1, sourceparentprocesssha256, sourceparentprocesssigneridentity, sourceparentprocessstarttime, sourceparentprocessstoryline, sourceparentprocesssubsystem, sourceparentprocessusername, sourceprocesscommandline, sourceprocessfilehashmd5, sourceprocessfilehashsha1, sourceprocessfilehashsha256, sourceprocessfilepath, sourceprocessfilesigneridentity, sourceprocessintegritylevel, sourceprocesskey, sourceprocesskey, sourceprocessmd5, sourceprocessname, sourceprocesspid, sourceprocesssha1, sourceprocesssha256, sourceprocessstarttime, sourceprocessstoryline, sourceprocesssubsystem, sourceprocessusername, srcip, srcmachineip, srcport, status, storyline, system, systemuser, tagid, tagnames, tags, tgtfilecreatedat, tgtfilehashsha1, tgtfilehashsha256, tgtfileid, tgtfileissigned, tgtfilemodifiedat, tgtfileoldpath, tgtfilepath, tgtproccmdline, tgtprocessstarttime, tgtprocimagepath, tgtprocintegritylevel, tgtprocname, tgtprocpid, tgtprocsignedstatus, tgtprocstorylineid, tgtprocuid, threatalreadyexists, threatclassification, threatclassificationsource, tiindicatorcomparisonmethod, tiindicatorsource, tiindicatortype, tiindicatorvalue, treatasthreat, type, updatedescriptionmessage, updatenameanddescriptionmessage, updatenamemessage, uploadedfilename, userid, username, userscope, uuid, value, version
    type: json
  - name: description
    description: Event description
    type: string
  - name: groupId
    description: Related group id
    type: string
  - name: groupName
    description: Related group name
    type: string
  - name: hash
    description: Threat file hash
    type: string
  - name: id
    required: true
    description: Activity id
    type: string
      - trace_id
  - name: osFamily
    description: Agent's OS type
    type: string
  - name: primaryDescription
    description: Primary activity description
    type: string
  - name: secondaryDescription
    description: Secondary activity description
    type: string
  - name: siteId
    description: Related site id
    type: string
  - name: siteName
    description: Related site name
    type: string
  - name: threatId
    description: Related threat id
    type: string
  - name: updatedAt
    description: Activity last updated time (UTC)
    type: timestamp
      - rfc3339
  - name: userId
    description: User who invoked the activity
    type: string


Deep Visibility 2.0 events from the SentinelOne services.

schema: SentinelOne.DeepVisibilityV2
description: Deep Visibility events from the SentinelOne Cloud Funnel 2.0 service
  - name: timestamp
    description: Timestamp field
    type: timestamp
      - rfc3339
  - name: dataSource.category
    description: DataSourceCategory field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: DataSourceName field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: EndpointName field
    type: string
  - name: endpoint.os
    description: EndpointOs field
    type: string
  - name: endpoint.type
    description: EndpointType field
    type: string
  - name: agent.uuid
    description: AgentUuid field
    type: string
  - name: agent.version
    description: AgentVersion field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: SiteName field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: SiteId field
    type: string
  - name: event.category
    description: EventCategory field
    type: string
  - name: event.type
    description: EventType field
    type: string
  - name: event.time
    required: true
    description: EventTime field
    type: timestamp
      - unix_ms
    isEventTime: true
  - name:
    description: EventId field
    type: string
  - name: event.repetitionCount
    description: EventRepetitionCount field
    type: bigint
  - name:
    description: SrcProcessName field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: SrcProcessStorylineId field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.cmdline
    description: SrcProcessCmdline field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.user
    description: SrcProcessUser field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.startTime
    description: SrcProcessStartTime field
    type: timestamp
      - unix_ms
  - name: src.process.image.path
    description: SrcProcessImagePath field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.image.extension
    description: SrcProcessImageExtension field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.image.size
    description: SrcProcessImageSize field
    type: bigint
  - name: src.process.userSid
    description: SrcProcessUserSid field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: SrcProcessPid field
    type: bigint
  - name: src.process.displayName
    description: SrcProcessDisplayName field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.uid
    description: SrcProcessUid field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.image.binaryIsExecutable
    description: SrcProcessImageBinaryIsExecutable field
    type: boolean
  - name: src.process.integrityLevel
    description: SrcProcessIntegrityLevel field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.signedStatus
    description: SrcProcessSignedStatus field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.publisher
    description: SrcProcessPublisher field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.verifiedStatus
    description: SrcProcessVerifiedStatus field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.reasonSignatureInvalid
    description: SrcProcessReasonSignatureInvalid field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.image.sha1
    description: SrcProcessImageSha1 field
    type: string
      - sha1
  - name: src.process.image.md5
    description: SrcProcessImageMd5 field
    type: string
      - md5
  - name: src.process.image.sha256
    description: SrcProcessImageSha256 field
    type: string
      - sha256
  - name: src.process.subsystem
    description: SrcProcessSubsystem field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.sessionId
    description: SrcProcessSessionId field
    type: bigint
  - name: src.process.isNative64Bit
    description: SrcProcessIsNative64Bit field
    type: boolean
  - name: src.process.isRedirectCmdProcessor
    description: SrcProcessIsRedirectCmdProcessor field
    type: boolean
  - name: src.process.isStorylineRoot
    description: SrcProcessIsStorylineRoot field
    type: boolean
  - name: src.process.activeContentType
    description: SrcProcessActiveContentType field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: SrcProcessActiveContentId field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.activeContent.path
    description: SrcProcessActiveContentPath field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.activeContent.hash
    description: SrcProcessActiveContentHash field
    type: string
      - sha1
  - name: src.process.activeContent.signedStatus
    description: SrcProcessActiveContentSignedStatus field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.rpid
    description: SrcProcessRpid field
    type: bigint
  - name: src.process.tid
    description: SrcProcessTid field
    type: bigint
  - name: src.process.image.location
    description: SrcProcessImageLocation field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.image.uid
    description: SrcProcessImageUid field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.image.originalFileName
    description: SrcProcessImageOriginalFileName field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.image.description
    description: SrcProcessImageDescription field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.image.internalName
    description: SrcProcessImageInternalName field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.image.productName
    description: SrcProcessImageProductName field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.image.productVersion
    description: SrcProcessImageProductVersion field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.image.type
    description: SrcProcessImageType field
    type: string
  - name: cmdScript.content
    description: CmdScriptContent field
    type: string
  - name: cmdScript.isComplete
    description: CmdScriptIsComplete field
    type: boolean
  - name: cmdScript.sha256
    description: CmdScriptSha256 field
    type: string
      - sha256
  - name: cmdScript.originalSize
    description: CmdScriptOriginalSize field
    type: bigint
  - name: cmdScript.applicationName
    description: CmdScriptApplicationName field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: OsSrcProcessName field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: OsSrcProcessStorylineId field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.cmdline
    description: OsSrcProcessCmdline field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.user
    description: OsSrcProcessUser field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.startTime
    description: OsSrcProcessStartTime field
    type: timestamp
      - unix_ms
  - name: osSrc.process.image.path
    description: OsSrcProcessImagePath field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: OsSrcProcessPid field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.displayName
    description: OsSrcProcessDisplayName field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.uid
    description: OsSrcProcessUid field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.image.binaryIsExecutable
    description: OsSrcProcessImageBinaryIsExecutable field
    type: boolean
  - name: osSrc.process.integrityLevel
    description: OsSrcProcessIntegrityLevel field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.signedStatus
    description: OsSrcProcessSignedStatus field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.publisher
    description: OsSrcProcessPublisher field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.verifiedStatus
    description: OsSrcProcessVerifiedStatus field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.image.sha1
    description: OsSrcProcessImageSha1 field
    type: string
      - sha1
  - name: osSrc.process.image.md5
    description: OsSrcProcessImageMd5 field
    type: string
      - md5
  - name: osSrc.process.image.sha256
    description: OsSrcProcessImageSha256 field
    type: string
      - sha256
  - name: osSrc.process.subsystem
    description: OsSrcProcessSubsystem field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.sessionId
    description: OsSrcProcessSessionId field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.isNative64Bit
    description: OsSrcProcessIsNative64Bit field
    type: boolean
  - name: osSrc.process.isRedirectCmdProcessor
    description: OsSrcProcessIsRedirectCmdProcessor field
    type: boolean
  - name: osSrc.process.isStorylineRoot
    description: OsSrcProcessIsStorylineRoot field
    type: boolean
  - name: osSrc.process.activeContentType
    description: OsSrcProcessActiveContentType field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: OsSrcProcessActiveContentId field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.activeContent.path
    description: OsSrcProcessActiveContentPath field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.activeContent.hash
    description: OsSrcProcessActiveContentHash field
    type: string
      - sha1
  - name: osSrc.process.activeContent.signedStatus
    description: OsSrcProcessActiveContentSignedStatus field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.reasonSignatureInvalid
    description: OsSrcProcessReasonSignatureInvalid field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.crossProcessCount
    description: OsSrcProcessCrossProcessCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.crossProcessOutOfStorylineCount
    description: OsSrcProcessCrossProcessOutOfStorylineCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.crossProcessDupRemoteProcessHandleCount
    description: OsSrcProcessCrossProcessDupRemoteProcessHandleCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.crossProcessDupThreadHandleCount
    description: OsSrcProcessCrossProcessDupThreadHandleCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.crossProcessOpenProcessCount
    description: OsSrcProcessCrossProcessOpenProcessCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.crossProcessThreadCreateCount
    description: OsSrcProcessCrossProcessThreadCreateCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.netConnCount
    description: OsSrcProcessNetConnCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.netConnInCount
    description: OsSrcProcessNetConnInCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.netConnOutCount
    description: OsSrcProcessNetConnOutCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.dnsCount
    description: OsSrcProcessDnsCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.tgtFileModificationCount
    description: OsSrcProcessTgtFileModificationCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.tgtFileCreationCount
    description: OsSrcProcessTgtFileCreationCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.tgtFileDeletionCount
    description: OsSrcProcessTgtFileDeletionCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.registryChangeCount
    description: OsSrcProcessRegistryChangeCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.indicatorBootConfigurationUpdateCount
    description: OsSrcProcessIndicatorBootConfigurationUpdateCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.indicatorEvasionCount
    description: OsSrcProcessIndicatorEvasionCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.indicatorExploitationCount
    description: OsSrcProcessIndicatorExploitationCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.indicatorGeneral.count
    description: OsSrcProcessIndicatorGeneralCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.indicatorInfostealerCount
    description: OsSrcProcessIndicatorInfostealerCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.indicatorInjectionCount
    description: OsSrcProcessIndicatorInjectionCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.indicatorPersistenceCount
    description: OsSrcProcessIndicatorPersistenceCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.indicatorPostExploitationCount
    description: OsSrcProcessIndicatorPostExploitationCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.indicatorRansomwareCount
    description: OsSrcProcessIndicatorRansomwareCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.indicatorReconnaissanceCount
    description: OsSrcProcessIndicatorReconnaissanceCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.childProcCount
    description: OsSrcProcessChildProcCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.moduleCount
    description: OsSrcProcessModuleCount field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.image.type
    description: OsSrcProcessImageType field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.image.extension
    description: OsSrcProcessImageExtension field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.image.size
    description: OsSrcProcessImageSize field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.image.location
    description: OsSrcProcessImageLocation field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.image.uid
    description: OsSrcProcessImageUid field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.image.signature.isValid
    description: OsSrcProcessImageSignatureIsValid field
    type: boolean
  - name: osSrc.process.userSid
    description: OsSrcProcessUserSid field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: SrcProcessParentName field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: SrcProcessParentStorylineId field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.cmdline
    description: SrcProcessParentCmdline field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.user
    description: SrcProcessParentUser field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.startTime
    description: SrcProcessParentStartTime field
    type: timestamp
      - unix_ms
  - name: src.process.parent.image.path
    description: SrcProcessParentImagePath field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.displayName
    description: SrcProcessParentDisplayName field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.uid
    description: SrcProcessParentUid field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.integrityLevel
    description: SrcProcessParentIntegrityLevel field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.signedStatus
    description: SrcProcessParentSignedStatus field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.publisher
    description: SrcProcessParentPublisher field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.image.sha1
    description: SrcProcessParentImageSha1 field
    type: string
      - sha1
  - name: src.process.parent.image.md5
    description: SrcProcessParentImageMd5 field
    type: string
      - md5
  - name: src.process.parent.image.sha256
    description: SrcProcessParentImageSha256 field
    type: string
      - sha256
  - name: src.process.parent.sessionId
    description: SrcProcessParentSessionId field
    type: bigint
  - name: src.process.parent.isNative64Bit
    description: SrcProcessParentIsNative64Bit field
    type: boolean
  - name: src.process.parent.isRedirectCmdProcessor
    description: SrcProcessParentIsRedirectCmdProcessor field
    type: boolean
  - name: src.process.parent.isStorylineRoot
    description: SrcProcessParentIsStorylineRoot field
    type: boolean
  - name:
    description: SrcProcessParentPid field
    type: bigint
  - name: src.process.parent.image.type
    description: SrcProcessParentImageType field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.image.extension
    description: SrcProcessParentImageExtension field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.image.size
    description: SrcProcessParentImageSize field
    type: bigint
  - name: src.process.parent.image.location
    description: SrcProcessParentImageLocation field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.image.uid
    description: SrcProcessParentImageUid field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.image.signature.isValid
    description: SrcProcessParentImageSignatureIsValid field
    type: boolean
  - name: src.process.parent.userSid
    description: SrcProcessParentUserSid field
    type: string
  - name: src.process.parent.image.binaryIsExecutable
    description: SrcProcessParentImageBinaryIsExecutable field
    type: boolean
  - name:
    description: OsSrcProcessParentName field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: OsSrcProcessParentStorylineId field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.cmdline
    description: OsSrcProcessParentCmdline field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.user
    description: OsSrcProcessParentUser field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.startTime
    description: OsSrcProcessParentStartTime field
    type: timestamp
      - unix_ms
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.image.path
    description: OsSrcProcessParentImagePath field
    type: string
  - name:
    description: OsSrcProcessParentPid field
    type: bigint
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.uid
    description: OsSrcProcessParentUid field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.image.sha1
    description: OsSrcProcessParentImageSha1 field
    type: string
      - sha1
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.image.md5
    description: OsSrcProcessParentImageMd5 field
    type: string
      - md5
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.image.sha256
    description: OsSrcProcessParentImageSha256 field
    type: string
      - sha256
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.displayName
    description: OsSrcProcessParentDisplayName field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.integrityLevel
    description: OsSrcProcessParentIntegrityLevel field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.signedStatus
    description: OsSrcProcessParentSignedStatus field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.publisher
    description: OsSrcProcessParentPublisher field
    type: string
  - name: osSrc.process.parent.reasonSignatureInvalid
    description: OsSrcProcessParentReasonSignatureInvalid field